~ It was a life or death situation ~

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Season 5, episode 15

Night has fallen, on various roads in beacon hills, many members of the Beacon County Sheriff's Department are involved in a chase after receiving numerous calls about strange sightings.

Me, Stiles and Scott are in the Jeep, we all sit in the listening to the conversation on Stiles' police radio while stiles follows Sheriff.

"Unit 5 heading northwest on Crescent, reporting an incredibly large, something.l

"Unit 9 to Dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same thing. Some kind of rabid animal."

"Unit 5 to 9. Trust me, that's no animal."

"Unit 6 to Dispatch? We have a situation downtown. Multiple fatalities."

"Copy. Medics on the way. Do you have a perp in sight, Unit 6?"

"Negative. Looks like a 10-91E. Animal attack."

"10-4. Can you say what kind of animal?"

The sound of police sirens wail around us as we all share an anxious look in the Jeep before Stiles reaches forward and grabs the microphone attachment to his police radio to add his own warning, "All units stay back. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage."

Suddenly, the sound of Sheriff Stilinski's annoyed and frustrated voice is heard in response, "Stiles, get off the radio! All unit alert, wait for backup. Repeat, no one goes near this thing."

"Unit 5 reporting a sighting on Hill Road southbound."

"Unit 9, I've got it turning off Oakridge, southbound on Beachwood."

"All units, this is Dispatch, we've got a 911 calll with additional sighting on Mitchell."

"Beachwood to Mitchell?" I question, "It's heading back for the hospital."

Stiles once again grabs the microphone so he can get a warning out to the other officers, "Dad."

Sheriff's tone is irritable, making it clear that this situation is severely stressing him out, "Stiles, get off this channel!"

"Dad, just listen to me, okay? It's heading for the hospital, all right? He's headed for Beacon Memorial. You hear me? Its headed for the hospital" Stiles panicked, he shifts gears before hitting the gas pedal and speeding even faster toward the hospital.

Me and the boys arrive at the hospital, we walk through the hospital's entrance when a gun cocks from behind us.

We all frantically turn around, but are relieved to find Sheriff behind us, who has just put his finger to his lips to shush us.

We all slowly make our way down the hallway when we hear loud snarling noises overhead, and the Stilinski men look at me and Scott expectantly as we both focus our hearing on the battle upstairs.

"Fourth floor" i state.

We have just made it up the staircases to the fourth floor, where we find the hallway in shambles: medical equipment has been toppled over, papers are scattered all over the floor, and segments of the walls, floors, wheelchairs, and medication cabinets are burning with bluish-orange flames.

Just then, we stop dead in their tracks when we see a flaming Parrish flying backward down the hallway like a comet, slamming his back against the wall at the end and bouncing off before landing in a heap on the floor.

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