~ You're in too deep this time ~

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Season 5, episode 18

French territory, North America, 1760
French soldiers are running around frantically as fires burn in various homes in the countryside. Later, night has fallen, and two men, Sebastien and Marcel, are injured and struggling to make their way through the woods in the middle of torrential rainfall. After a moment, Sebastien slips and falls, and his face lands right in the middle of a paw-print shaped puddle, "Marcel!"

Marcel doubles back and helps Sebastien to his feet. Some time later, the weather has dried out, and the full moon rises in the sky while Sebastien sits under a tree and writes a letter.
Dear Marie-Jeanne. I wish I had better news to report. But, even with the support of our Indian allies, we are losing this war to the British. We have heard news that Montreal has fallen. Marcel and I have both suffered injuries. All that keeps us alive is the hope of seeing our home again, and of seeing you, my sister.

In the woods, the rain pours down as Marcel and Sebastien limp toward a house in a clearing. They waste no time rushing inside due to the sounds of British soldiers and their hounds following after them.

Once inside, Sebastien starts to blow out the candles in the windows when a woman, comes out with a terrified expression on her face, "You can't be here."

"Stay back!" Marcel demands.

The woman's voice becomes more urgent, "you don't understand. You've come to the wrong place to hide."

"Quiet!" Marcel orders.

"There is something out there! Something other than the British soldiers" the woman tells the two soldiers.

This response seems to pique Sebastien's attention, and he walks toward her with a lit candlestick in his hands, "What do you mean, other?"

"A creature of the night" she fearfully replies.

Marcel looks anxious as he turns to Sebastien, "Don't listen to her."

"A shapeshifter" the woman continues, "A demon."

"What kind?" Sebastian asks.

"Sebastien" marcel sighs.

Sebastien ignores him and continues staring at the woman, "What kind of demon?"

"A Demon Wolf" she answers.

Outside, the British soldiers and hunting dogs have surrounded the house as the thunderstorm rages overhead. Once they're in position with their muskets aimed at the house, a vicious roaring sound can be heard as the Beast appears and begins taking out all of the soldiers.

The last survivor rushes to the front door of the house and begins to frantically pound on the door in a last-ditch attempt to get to safety, "Open the door! For God's sake, open the door! Please! Open! Help!"

However, the door remains closed, and the Beast yanks the man by the feet and drags him away, causing the man to scream in horror until he's finally killed. Sebastien's leather sack is found on the ground nearby, where his letter to his sister has been left behind.

Gevaudan, France
A woman in a light blue dress and a dark navy blue cloak with her hood up walks runs through the snow-covered forest. Marie-Jeanne aims her bow and arrow at her target and allows the arrow to fly before following her shot through the woods.

Marie-Jeanne makes her way through the woods to a cliff overlooking the village of Gévaudan, and when she finally lowers her hood, it is clear that the young woman looks exactly like Allison Argent.

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