~ It's me ~

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Season 5, episode 14

At least a dozen orderlies and nurses are wheeling stretchers with full body bags on them into the Beacon Memorial morgue while Sheriff Stilinski and his deputies supervise.

Parrish looks absolutely devastated by the sight of the dozens of bodies coming through the hallway, and Sheriff, noticing Parrish's concern, walks over to try to snap him out of it.

It's clear Sheriff is still healing from his injury from The Last Chimera, as he's limping painfully and walking with the aid of a cane, "Parrish" Parrish is still too overwhelmed by the sight of the bodies to pay attention, and Sheriff raises his voice, "Parrish, look at me" Parrish finally tears his eyes away from the scene in front of him and reluctantly meets Sheriff's gaze as the older man attempts to comfort him, "I know what you're thinking, the dream's coming true. It's not."

"Sheriff, there's twenty-three bodies" Parrish states, "Twenty-three of them!"

"Which means you're going to go back to the station, and you're gonna go through every missing person's report for the past two weeks" Stilinski orders, "That's what we do" Parrish still looks overwhelmed and wary, and Sheriff's tone of voice becomes stern, "You got it, Parrish?"

Parrish nods nervously and walks away, and once he's out of earshot, Sheriff sighs. Just then, the elevator dings loudly, and Sheriff turns to see Scott, Kira, and Stiles running out of the elevator toward him to get an update.

Like Parrish, they both stop in their tracks and stare in horror at the line of orderlies continuing to wheel the bodies found in the sewers into the morgue, "Who found 'em?" Stiles asks.

"Argent" sheriff sighs, "And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is."

Scott's expression looks equally grim in response to this news, "We've got a theory."

Stiles makes a face as he turns to address his father, "It's a slightly terrifying theory."

"Well, the M.E. said that the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels" sheriff states.

Scott's eyes widen as he gets an idea, "Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies?"

"Why would they do that?" Kira questions.

"Maybe they're covering for it" stiles suggests, "Protecting it, like a parent would."

Sheriff looks at them exhaustedly, and it's obvious that he doesn't even want to know the answer to his next question, "Protecting what?"

Scott licks his lips anxiously as he and Kira share a worried look before turning back to the Sheriff, "A werewolf."

"It's called the Beast" Kira adds.

When Sheriff makes a face at this news, Stiles shrugs in understanding, "We know. Horrifying."

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish" Stilinski sighs, "Because it looks like his dream is coming true."

Scott and Stiles are walking down the school hallway and take note of all the Sheriff's deputies milling around with huge, sophisticated shotguns while they listen to an announcement over the P.A. system, "By order of the Sheriff, a county-wide curfew goes into effect tonight at sundown. All after-school activities are canceled until further notice. Students should go directly home at the end of the school day."

When Scott and Stiles sees one of Sheriff's men, Deputy Strauss, holding one of the large shotguns, they walk over to him to talk to him about it, "You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school?"

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