~ So the Anuk-ite is like Medusa ~

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Season 6, episode 18

Scott, Liam, Mason, and Theo are in the reception area of the clinic, where they are listening to a voicemail left on a small flip-phone that Scott, Malia, and Lydia found on the flayed corpse's body at the Primal's lair the previous evening.

The caller is a female whose voice is familiar but generic enough to where no one can identify her. "Hey, it's me again. I, uh, don't know why you can't seem to call me back. Maybe it's because you think you're punishing me. But, this is too long. It too much. It's not about us. Something's happening in Beacon Hills, to the people here. I just. I just, I need to know everyone there with you is okay. So, can you just please, please call me. Please? One call. That's all I'm asking for. And, if you can't call me back, then I'm going to get my answer anyway. That means I'm coming up there myself if I don't get a call from you. I'm coming up there. So, just try to remember it's my pack, too."

When a beep is heard to indicate the end of the message, Scott walks over to where the phone was set on the desk and flips it closed before looking at Liam, Mason, and Theo.

Before anyone can speak the door is pushed open. All the attention gets diverted to the girl in the doorway. Her mascara smudged. Hair ruffled. Clothes torn.

If you didn't know what she'd been through you'd think Riley McCall has given up on everything.

"Holy shit" Mason whispers as he stares at the older girl.

Riley's POV
The boys stare at me, Theo is the first to move as he hurries towards me and pulls my into a hug. He lifts me off the ground but I don't care. I'm home.

Once Theo lets go of me Scott is pulling me into a hug. Same with Liam. After all the hugs they all look over me. "What happened? How did you get out?"

"I think they wanted me to get out" i state. "I broke out and nobody was around to stop me. I think someone was following me. Don't worry I didn't lead them here. I went to the school first, did a run from there. I went home, what happened to the house? But someone came into the house but I jumped out of a window and ran here. Nobody followed me."

"I'm just happy to know you're okay" Scott sighs.

"Oh and some old friends are in town" I tell him with a smile. Scott stares at me confused, "Jackass and Ethan."

"Did you leave them behind?" Scott asks.

"I didn't have time to get them out" I respond. "I'll go back for them tonight."

"No we'll all go" Liam says. "We'll all go when we now it's safe. If you got out and they can't find you everyone will be out looking for you Riley. Going back wouldn't be safe, they know you'd go back for the others."

"If Gerard has any sense he knows I won't save Jackson" I scoff. "I'll go back for Ethan, I like Ethan. Jackson i hate."

The boys gave me the run down on everything that's happened since I got captured and now we're all discussing the voicemail they played for me.

Liam and mason are beside the desk. Theo and me are sat on the chairs, he has his arm around me and I have my head resting on his shoulder. I should really get some sleep but I can't now I'm on the run.

"You pulled this off of one of the bodies in the woods?" Theo questions as he points to the phone in Scott's hand.

"Malia did" Liam corrects.

"Yeah, there's six dead bodies" Scott explains. "One of them had no face."

I look at Theo, his expression is one of intense concentration as me and him stand up and walk over to join the other behind the reception desk. "Okay, so the one with no face. Do you think that's the woman on the phone?"

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