Chapter 54

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Sasuke pov:

"WHY WOULD YOU CALL HIM?!!" Ino yelled at Sakura in the waiting room of the hospital.

Everyone was here, waiting on updates of Sai's kid, they had been doing cpr trying to get the little boy to come to, no updates yet though.

"What the hell did you expect me to do? Ino.. its his fucking child...God forbid I be at a complete low and it brings harm to my children..but I'd expect you to contact Sasuke immediately!" Sakura said back.

"But.. Sasuke isn't Sai! You know that! Why would you tell him without telling me first?!?" Ino said as she paced around the waiting room.

"First of all.. I don't have to consult with you about this, you're obviously, no CLEARLY not in your right mind, that child needs a parent here! And Sai is his best option, why would I keep that from him? Act like his child isn't near death in a fucking hospital!" Sakura argued.

"It's not your place Sakura!" Ino yelled.

"Not my place!?! Had you been a patient who was on drugs and brought a child in here almost dead, I would immediately contact the police or more capable guardians of that child so don't tell me whats my place! Had it been TenTen, Hinata,Temari, or Kauri, I would have told their husbands. I can't believe you"

"You can't believe me? My bestfriend goes behind my fucking back! He's my child too Sakura!"

"Ino.. take a look at the environment.. we're in a fucking hospital! You're son is in a hospital! Yeah he's your child but fucking reflect on why he's here in the first place!" Sakura said.

She turned around and began walking towards me to sit down.. but Ino spoke again.

"So did you reflect when Sarada was in the hospital? Huh? Did you fucking reflect?" She said as Sakura stopped in her tracks.

Her fist clenched and she turned back around.

"My daughter was in the hospital because some fucking psycho maniac is after me ! Not because I left a fucking needle full of opioids for my child to touch and inject themselves with!" After Sakura said that everyone gasped.

Ino could only glare at Sakura.

"Wait what?! That's why he's here?? Ino told us he got into a accident" Tenten said.

"Yes..Inojin got a hold of a needle Ino left on the table and injected himself" Sakura said. "Dont you ever and I mean never relate my childs experiences with your childs, because unlike you I didn't cause my childs unfortunate events" Sakura said . "And for you to say that.. you were willing to stoop so low to make a jab at me.. when..God I can't even look at you Ino" Sakura said turning around her eyes glossed over.

"I-Im sorry okay." Ino said as she backed into the wall sliding down her hands covering her face as she began crying loudly almost screaming.

When she lifted her head, her face was flushed, tears falling with a snotty nose.

"I- didn't mean for this to happen okay? I'm fucking stressed! Im nearly broke as hell, I was raped! My husband left me and took my child and the one time I get the chance to prove myself while Sai is gone I fuck up bad, now Im taking everything out on my bestfriend..I'm a horrible person.." Ino said crying again.

No one made a move to go to her everyone just looked at her with worry and pity.

"What have I done.. I don't want to lose my baby, he's all I got.. He's the only one left.. If i lose him.. I-I-"

"You won't lose him y'know!" Naruto said. "You have to dry your face and suck it up and be strong for him... because the same way you need him, he needs you! You can't breakdown now!" Naruto said.

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