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"You're not liable to clear out his mess."

"True, but he is my brother, not by blood, but by everything. I wouldn't mind murdering innocents if the stake of life belongs to my loved ones."


"Good to know, you understand." I nodded; my eyes still close. "Open them, I want to look closely," and when his tempting whispers resonated in my ear, I abided. Opening my eyes and batting my lashes. Orbs locked with him, having a conversation of their own. He smirked as his thumb slipped from my cheeks to my lips. The calloused pad glided over my bottom lip, my breath hiking up by each degree.

"Coniglietta, sei bellissima," I smiled. My tongue reached out to lick my lips but innocently the tip touched his thumb and his dark brown orbs dilated as a groan left his lips.

"Questa lode è necessaria prima di massacrare la preda?" I said making his eyes wide by an inch before he smiled in glee and bit his lower lips. "Sai l'italiano... sexy."

"Speak. I want to hear that ravishing voice." He demanded. "I will not. And for the matter, I should leave. It's late."

"We're still at home, what's the rush Coniglia?" There was a hint of annoyance in his voice. "C'è un limite di tempo per ogni sogno... ora, dovrei lasciare che gli altri vengano bene." He growled playfully. "You're alluring me now, it won't be good Coniglia if I'll get obsessed with you." He warned, all the emotions died in the pit of a hole where only his promise sounded.

"People give up on me, no one stays. You won't as well. Obsessions are priceless, and I'm worthy of none." I sulked, smiling wryly. It was the truth I accepted to numb the pain of betrayals. "And how will you judge me without knowing?" He impelled his words in my brain to fit in.

"How can you promise it will stay? We've just met, with morning rays memories hide in the mist of time lane."

"Sound poetic all you want Coniglia, but what I claim mine doesn't need centuries." He growled dominantly as if setting off some kind of territory, marking his claim. I was enamored with such possessiveness but knew enough to not fool myself that this sudden interest comes with some kind of hidden intention and bargain.

"What do you want from me?" I went straight to ask. He frowned but smirking left my face, coldness once again engulfed me. He stood tall in front, with his huge build and height dominating mine.

"Not easy to trap, huh?" See, I could've bet my fortune in it. No one adores me without a reason. 


A presence behind which had me gulping the fear down my throat. Hesitantly looking over my shoulder I blinked back the tears of terror and to my relief, no one was there.

Asa, stop being paranoid. No one is here. You're safe.

Or so I thought. Usually, we had a security guard patrolling every inch of the area but today it seemed rather off around here. Again, starting to walk was what all roamed in my mind as I hurried my steps but a burst of loud creepy laughter shook me to the core. I jumped screaming loudly.

Looking at the owner of the mockery, my feet froze in the spot and cold sweat ran down my body. All I could hear was my heart thudding rapidly in my chest and the buzzing sound echoing in my ears. My eyes met with grey-green eyes. His face was painted white, wearing a red curled-up wig on his head and a red pom-pom ball on his nose with tainted cheeks and dramatically painted red lips.

It doesn't take a genius to know, the man was dressed up as a clown.

His white teeth creepily grinning at me and those eyes wildly looking. I was scared and that's when I started backing away still looking at him as he was staring at me and moving forward. A helpless cry left my lips as my eyes started stinging. He brought his hands in front of his chest and horror seemed less than my situation as he held a head dripping with blood through the neck part while a knife was plunged inside its skull.

It was so gruesome and scary which made my steps stagger at its sight.

His smile grew, and he took the dagger out of his head making the blood drip more from the neck, and in front of my eyes he mercilessly plunged the dagger in the eyes of the head and pulled out its eyes creating a bloody hole there.

"AHHHH..." I shouted in the loudest voice and turning on my heels ran as fast as I can. Looking over my shoulder I spot him playfully jumping and walking as he followed in his ever so sweetly pace. Goosebumps rose on my skin and crying I ran out of the gates of the parking lot in extreme fear. I fell halfway scrapping the heel of my hand on the road with cars zooming around.

This time, I didn't look back to see if the man followed and standing up ran at my full speed. Just the second, when I was about to cross the road, a blinding light flashed in my eyes with an ear-busting horn and everything happened so fast, I wasn't able to distinguish.

The only picture in front of my blur vision was the blood on the road and tarmac dipping in the seeping blood. A corner of my head ached and with that darkness subdued the pain.

 A corner of my head ached and with that darkness subdued the pain

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SAPPHIRE: HIS OBSESSION|LET'S BEGIN THE CRIME| 18+Where stories live. Discover now