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"David, and Jessica, make sure this deal doesn't slip out of my hands

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"David, and Jessica, make sure this deal doesn't slip out of my hands. I will take no risk this time," they both nodded. 

We've already merged our companies together under the same authority. It was David who wanted to give last gratitude to his late sister. His share in the company remains the same but sapphire's shares lied under my authority until Krystallo is old enough to take over the seat from me and carry on the lineage he was entrusted by his late mother.

"Sir, what else can I do for you?" she asked politely but I dismissed her. "There won't be any more of your attendance needed Jessica, you can go back and resume your work."

"Sure, sir." She smiled and walked out. Turning to look at David who was smiling weirdly made me quirk my brows. 

"Something good happened that you're smiling like that?" I asked a little stern this time. "You know it right, Jessica is interested in you?"

"So what should I do, go and lick her pussy?" He snorted at my remark and I smirked rolling my eyes heavenwards. "It has already been 5 years since sapphire's death. Krystallo even accepted it by now that his mother isn't returning but you are fucking stuck at the same spot." He was too enthused while speaking and I scoffed clasping my hands together.

"You're 38 now, Hayden, and not growing any younger. I know Sapphire was everything and would still be the world for you but it's time that you again think about settling down. Krystallo is already 10, there is no issue in making him understand the changes of life." My eye widened a little because I never expected that from him. 

His sister was my wife. And yet, this man is suggesting, I move on from her. After Maria divorced him 2 years back, he has busied himself in work-life. For him, night and day are the same. But having him say that got to be too much.

"I know you're still very broken over Maria leaving you like that but that doesn't mean instead of settling yourself, you would suggest that to me. Maria was a nice female, but she was done with the way of our family so, I will never question her for prioritizing herself over anything but David, I have a son unlike you who doesn't have any child to look after." He shot me a glare and I rolled my eyes again.

"I know you're Krystallo's uncle and blah... blah... but I will not just let anyone come in my life cause for all the women, my son will be an eyesore, some kind of leech. Krystallo might never speak this to us but every time he sees me with a female, he gets scared to think the worst, and sir, I will not let my son grow with abandonment issues or any fucking trauma. He relies on me for a psychological issue-free life and with all due respect, I'm giving it to him." I snapped at the end cause he hurts to think my son was treated badly or for the fact that someone claims me as theirs who isn't she.

"I promised her to love until I love. My love doesn't come with expiration, it was there to stay forever. So fucking never speak again about getting settled or shit, you won't be alive to hear my answer by then." With the closing call, angrily I stood up and stormed out from there.

SAPPHIRE: HIS OBSESSION|LET'S BEGIN THE CRIME| 18+Where stories live. Discover now