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"Mama." I smiled and snuggled Krystallo close to me in the bed, covering us from the duvets as the chilly night dropped the temperature, but the warm inbuilt fireplace in the room kept the cold away.

My baby slept like a little Guss-Guss in my arms even if he doesn't enjoy watching Disney movies. Well enough, because I rarely enjoy myself watching those shabby damsels in distressed females asking for a fairy godmother. My ass.

"Krystallo, do you miss Dadda?" It was rather a question I asked myself while my fingers played with his hair as he comfortably slept on my chest. "Yup. Like Joey, I also want to go to the beach with Dadda and play soccer."

"But even I can bring you to the beach and we always play soccer. Haven't for me, you wouldn't have been selected for the team training in school. I'm a fine player, little man." Mumbling staring at the dark ceiling above with blank thoughts, I conversed with his half-sleeping wake. "But that's not the same Mama." His babyish voice argued.

"And how that is so?" My brows shot up but I still maintained my equanimity. "First, you are not tall like Dadda." I snorted and giggled bringing a smile on my lips that remained there for a while. "You're not bulky like Dadda." Fine, I know he eats double and trains harder but I have to do the fucking opposite of he'll be the one in the future pointing out, Mama became fatty.

"You're even though the most beautiful girl I have ever seen but, you're not a man. Big boys got problems." I stifled a laugh at his innocent words that sounded nothing but innuendo to me. "Boys problem at age of three, what a big man you've become Krystallo?" Who would believe my 3-year-old son is talking like that.

"Care to enlighten?"

"Boys need to eat, fight and protect." He put his statement in front and I acknowledged.

"But Mama also eat, fight and protect. Now doesn't she?"

"Yup... Mama is the strongest..." he squealed now totally forgetting the argument he put forth some moment ago about the necessity of having a father in his life. "Mama beat all the bad uncles that day but what happened to Dadda? Did he faint because he got scared from those uncles?" I think I can put a good word for myself in here... the evil light in my head is blinking after all.

"Yes. Your Dadda got scared of those uncles and so Mama has to beat them."

"Oh, Dadda was scared because that uncle put that gun on me right?" Did Ethan have telepathy with him or some kind of date they had that he really doesn't question the man?

"Krystallo, can Mama ask you something?"

"sì," he was so assured that he will answer that as if I was playing his favorite questionnaire game. "Why do you trust Dadda so much when you've never met him other than that one time... not even talked to him before?"

He propped his face up and cupped my cheeks giving me a toothy grin. I locked my eyes with his mirroring brown like me. "Because Mama loves Dadda and I love Mama so..." pinching his nose tip my heart warmed. "Why not my little mathemetician..."

SAPPHIRE: HIS OBSESSION|LET'S BEGIN THE CRIME| 18+Where stories live. Discover now