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"Arghhh..." I shouted in immense pain. Yes, I dared to shout and attempted the deed I shouldn't have done. Again, after recovering from my broken hand bones, I again tried to make a run. It was way closer this time. My freedom was within my reach this time. Funny, Just a step difference was it and before I could take that step, he was there... Again, he was there with no sign of his presence but that looming darkness in the air sending me back to hell.

I shouted, screamed with the pain that was so familiar to my body now that it felt like a part of my being. A routine. I got accustomed to this scream, burning and scorching sensation as hunting whip scarred my body with wounds and incisions. Somehow the only thing still kept me sane was this feeling that maybe, I won't end up here for another day. Maybe death would soon come to me, maybe it will end with another hit. That hope maybe never ends and so my baseless hoping.

"Good girl," he said patting my head once the slashes of hits become dull and the woman hitting me was out of her strength. I stared at Evgeni smiling down at me with an unknown emotion. His crooked smile sent down the shivers, painful shivers in my spine. My eyes were hooded with wet lashes, tears still blurring the vision but the thick clot of blood stuck into my hair that fell right above my eyes blocking a well-deserved sight.

I wasn't a normal girl a year before but a year later, normal wouldn't even exist in my life book.

Everything in my story changed, everything became twisted and that day was when I met those sapphire blue eyes for the first time. My life since that night never was the same. My relationships and their meanings changed and at the end of those changes, my whole fucking destiny took a different route, totally out of my palms to keep it the way how I would want. In this fate, I was only thankful yet, that I got to meet him.

He was the entity, inwardly I had a different confusing feeling for, one I wanted to keep close, and other, I couldn't breathe the same air as his. How intolerant he made me around him, but how fucking emitted I was for him. I'm still glad to say, I loved him with my whole heart, body, and soul. The time spent with him is priceless and the journey I walked with him, I couldn't trade it for the world in exchange.

He was my criminal, an unforgettable crime, an unforgivable fortune.

I was his and he was mine, between us the bridge of love connecting people like him and me together. We fought, we loved, we created memories, we build our own family, just that it was my wish to have lot's of babies with him, telling our grandchildren all those heroic and hilarious stories of us, and when he would kiss me with love, and my kids, their kids, and great-grandkids would say, 'are you still not over with her yet?' And his reply would be, 'I have to begin to finish something, and this female isn't the closure of any start or ending, she is my tale that becomes a bequest and still prevails.'

SAPPHIRE: HIS OBSESSION|LET'S BEGIN THE CRIME| 18+Where stories live. Discover now