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"Ahhh..." I moaned loudly, feeling him fill me up with his semen. The filth of his entity inside me.

"Good girl," he whispered gently, kissing my lips and then, my forehead. Maids said that I was a lucky girl to be treated differently by their master but those females have seemed to lose their thinking capabilities cause none can see, when he touches me, I cry. He forced aphrodisiacs in my mouth to arouse me and have sex with him.

"Be a good girl, and I will give you new clothes and jewelry."

I said nothing in reply as he pulled his clothes on while my naked body spread over the bed staring at the ceiling. I know the drill for the past eight months already, now the maids will come and bath me, clean me while the cuffs stay.

I tried running thousands of times but all of it is futile, he has specially trained martial artists that match my capability. I end up losing because I don't have the energy to fight those bulky men. I am fed once on two days... Well, not a problem though. It has become a habit for me now.

Eating less keeps me from vomiting after having sex with him. He uses my body and when he isn't around to see, all the guard men under him who like the opportunity of still having me under drugs come to have sex with me. This room he has kept me in has now become a personal brothel. My body is not in my control and willingly serves these men who come to seek pleasure.

Many even came in two or three groups sometimes. The people who came to use my body like a doll for sex, I have lost count of them. My body feels lifeless.

Because of taking drugs, I started seeing hallucinations. I see Mamma many times coming to me, talking to me, she sometimes comes with Dad and Papa too. I also see Krystallo running around and playing, under the influence I shout for him to run from here. I scream that this place isn't good and he should run before people see him. One time while having sex with Evgeni, I mistook him for Ethan and that was the only did he got the real sex from me. There is David too but he just stands and cries for me in a corner when I am being raped, he doesn't come to save me, and another time Ethan stood in the corner staring at me with his soulful deep blue eyes when I was forced to give a blow job to a guard. That was the moment, I started crying loudly and the scared guard leaving me like that ran away.
I saw Marshall too but he always walks away when I call him and Adrian only appeared once in face of a guard who was fucking me until I bled.

Maids call me a madwoman and I care not if they do so. When the matter was attended by doctors, they told Evgeni to stop the drugs he keep on giving me. He did stop but then, he started giving me gifts, stuff like clothes, jewelry, and property papers as well. Many times, there are gold coins too. He forces his way with me, and when I scream or do something, he beats me up, and then once silent, he enjoys his time raping me and then, throwing no usable stuff my way walks out.

One day, a maid took me out to the balcony of the room, and there for the first time in months, I felt the bright sunshine and warmth of the sun. The birds chirping around. She told me that they've hardly received any sun this year and that day seems to be utterly a different and rarely a pleasant day. 

SAPPHIRE: HIS OBSESSION|LET'S BEGIN THE CRIME| 18+Where stories live. Discover now