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"You!!!" I exclaimed as soon as I woke up to see Vladimir standing in front of me

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"You!!!" I exclaimed as soon as I woke up to see Vladimir standing in front of me. He was sitting by the bed and staring right at me while taking huge smoke puffs of the cigar through his lips. Anger and hatred cursed my veins when I saw him staring at me. This wasn't my plan. How come all this happened?

I remember Luca kidnapping me. I also remember being taken to the cells and getting tortured. I remember all of it and in the end, Ethan standing with a vengeance in his eyes in front of me. All it happened because someone planned all of this for us. Meeting him, loving him, and fighting with him. Us against the world. The three of us. Our son and we were supposed to be together.

I still cannot wrap my head around this situation. How can all of this happen? How come Ethan betray me?

"Don't be in such a daze Sapphire. You already know what Ethan has done and what he is capable of doing. He never cared for you or your son. It was all about his profit. Once the purpose is finished so the pawn as well." Vladimir spoke in his thick Russian accent. I shook my head denying that Ethan has the same motive as his father. Even at the time of the time when I saw him so distant, but now with my mind out of the haze, I cannot confront those thoughts of him betraying me and using me.

"And what about you? What is your purpose for bringing me here with you? For saving me?" My misty eyes glared down at him. I didn't find anything rational any more. Everyone around had some sort of gameplay going on. I might be a fool for once but there is no chance that another one will make me again.

"I may be a dumb Vladimir but haven't gone mad to not understand your ulterior motives. You just want to use me for your own benefit. You're no sane person, you know it too." I seethed in rage.

"Yup. No sane person as you but my insanity is the reason why you are not raped and still alive." He snapped back, the cloudy smoke running around us while the lights from the chandelier above got me a good look over the luxurious and over-exaggerated room.

"So what do you consider in exchange for what you have done?" I knew it before I asked. There was a bargain for the greatness he has bestowed upon me. It was always a give and take the deal from the moment he pulled the trigger and saved my arse from the Aloysius mansion.

"I need your help to get all the data Blood Natrix has over the chains of illegal slavery, people smuggling, sex, and human trafficking... you see," he stood up and walked dramatically to the large window that looked at the freezing winter outside the room. I'm in Russian and that much I'm aware of from the moment I got ahold of my senses. He with ease and calculatingly brought me here so neither my brother nor Ethan can reach me once they get to know about my whereabouts.

As Ethan warned me before. Vladimir is not a man you take for granted.

"Over the Era and world wars with so many revolutions and people idiotically exclaiming freedom, many networks and chains have been devastated and took a blow from the rebellion. But still, once you sow the seed of the venom, it contaminates the land, and that same happened with this world. No one can easily wipe off the crime just as they wish. You don't wake up one day and exclaim that let's find peace and justice, that's not how the world work..." His smirk and tardiness were evident even if I couldn't look at him. He isn't a predictable man but he is what you will expect as the answer to the darkest tunnel.

"There is still vast trade of illegal works that are being done with the majority of the world's poverty-stricken and rich and greedy involved. One is hungry for food on the plate and the other is hungry for the money in the banks they can never count on. Hunger is what makes you do everything. People like you and Ethan also, for the hunger of love you rose from the shadows. It is the fate we all live. Hunger is the purpose, we need to satisfy. Once it is satisfied. Then comes hunger of greed, and that hunger can never be satisfied, Sapphire."

He was a man of deep thoughts and high observation. I do hate for what he was and what he can cause but not for once did I hate him when his penetrating words forced me to think over them as well. He was right. It was the hunger with a question we all were satisfying. Some were unharmful and some were lethal. Just like not every meal is the same so wasn't the hunger.

"Now what?"

"You're the only one who can bring me the file that has all the information of all the world's largest trafficking and illegal business foundations. It is the only file in the world that has your name, Ethan's name, your mother, as for the fact the whole family and even my name is in it. There is no one who has their hands dipped in blood and washed from the black water and wiped from the cloth of the gold isn't present there and that file is in the possession of Ethan. I want you to get it for me. Simple."

He shrugged and turned to look at me. My jaws clenched. I won't do it as that file sounds to be too dangerous to fall into the hands of a person like him. It has a way to confidential material that can blow the world in a snap of a finger. Vladimir isn't the man who should have his hands over this information.

Now it all made sense though. All the time, Ethan when went rude with me, mysterious, and not answering the questions I needed from him, he was actually creating a dangerous weapon of proofs and paperwork. Those mysterious meetings he had with so many titled and ranking peoples and businessmen and women, the presidents and royals too, it was this he was creating and hiding from me. For all I know now, that file is way too dangerous to be left in anyone's hands. Even the Blood Natrix.

"What is your opinion, Sapphire? Will you do it for me?" He had a strange expression over his face as he looked at me but nonetheless, I knew how cunning he was to even hold the torch with purpose in the darkness. Right now answering yes would be too suspicious. I have to gain ahold of his trust or either his sensitive nerve. A weak spot where I can hit directly before getting into a serious fit of action.

"I don't know right now, For me, it is too difficult to think all of it at once."

"At least we are getting somewhere if you want to think it over. Rest and recover for the time being." He said and wadded away to god know where but I still felt cold in the strange and unknown place even if the fireplace by the right side of the room was massive to keep the room warm like mid-day of summers.

I have to wisely think this through.

He knows the skills I have it is easy to get what he wants but I trust no one right now, not even David who joined hands with Ethan. Vladimir is the worst option and he has a mutual trust issue same as with me. So in the end, my all problems fall to nowhere.

I need to find a solution and fast. Time is running short in my hands.

 Time is running short in my hands

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SAPPHIRE: HIS OBSESSION|LET'S BEGIN THE CRIME| 18+Where stories live. Discover now