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'Dear diary,

Do you know that feeling, when you like a boy, and then he starts to like you back, and you suddenly stop liking him, because your mind now comes up with all these reasons why you can't like him after all, reasons you didn't see before....reasons that actually make sense.

I am not just making excuses this time, really.... for example, relocating to another town, probably permanently. I mean, that sounds like a valid reason to me to not get your feelings involved right?


But Dad always says......

'You will never know true happiness, until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is, until you have lost it all.....It's all about taking chances'

I believe dad is the smartest, wisest person i know....So he could be on to something here. Maybe i should actually listen to him some time.

What do you think?

Your Ella'

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