Chapter Thirty-Four

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Once I'm outside I realize Cassie drove us here and her car is no longer here. They must have taken her car. I can't go back inside. We both need to cool off before we continue our discussion. I have two options, I just have to decide which one will ask the least amount of questions. I pull out my cell and make the call.

The car pulls up and I get in. I buckle up and pray for no questions. 

“Soo...where’s Cassie?” 

I look at Hunter and sigh, so much for the no questions.

“She left with a guy she’s been seeing.” I don’t know how much she has told him.

“James is here?” He looks at me surprised. 

“You know James?” I ask.

“Yeah, I know him from school. He came all the way out here to see her?”

“I think his brother lives here or something.” Smooth Savannah.

“So whose place did I pick you up from? Why did Cassie leave you?”

“Can we not do the twenty questions?” I grumble as I look out the window. 

We pull into the driveway. But instead of getting out, Hunter surprises me by turning towards me. 

“What’s up? You have been acting weird for weeks and now you are calling me almost in tears to come pick you up from some random person’s place.”

“I wasn’t almost in tears.” I say, struggling to keep the tears at bay.

“I know I’m just your lame big brother but you can talk to me. We’ve always told each other our secrets. I know you and Cassie are keeping something from me. I figure it’s some girl shit and haven’t said anything but if Cassie isn’t around I’m here. Even if I’m not actually here, you can call.”

After the rollercoaster of a morning I can’t help but break and cry at his words. Hunter and I have always been close. Or at least as close as brothers and sisters three years apart can be.

“I’ve been seeing someone.” I confess.

“Was that where you were?” He hesitated. “Did he...force you?” 

“No!” I can see his relief instantly. 

“Ok, so what happened?” he asks.

“I don’t know. There were some misunderstandings and we started arguing. I needed to leave and calm down. That’s when I realized I didn’t have a way to leave. Cassie left for a bit with James. I guess I didn’t want to explain everything to her so I called you hoping I wouldn’t have to. Then you go all big brother on me and make me spill my guts anyway.”

He smiles at me. “You’re welcome.”

“So do you really like this guy?” Hunter asks me. 

“Yeah, I like him a lot.”

“Then I think you should call him or go back and talk to him.”


“Savannah, you’re a grown woman and I’m not Mom and Dad. I’m not going to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. Do what you feel is right. Cassie and I are still friends after dating for years because we talked. We wanted different things and we agreed to break up and just be friends. Neither one of us regret that decision. All because we communicated.”

“When did you get so smart?” I tease him. 

“So are we going inside or heading back to your boyfriend’s?” 

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