Chapter 53

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Janus looked between Roman and Virgil and smirked, getting an idea. Did he hate Roman? With all his soul and he wasn't the biggest fan of Virgil either. But seeing them dance around each other like this was just plain boring. Something needed to happen and he'd be damned if he wasn't going to help it along.

"I say we do romcom next." Janus said. "Cause none of us would really fit that genre but I'd like to see if we could make it work. Logan, a plot, if you would."

He rubbed his covered knuckles and glanced meaningfully between Roman and Virgil, trying to give the nerd the idea. By the widening of Logan's eyes, he seemed to understand.

"Okay... I'll have to think for this one, lovey-dovey shit is more my partner's thing than mine..." Logan said, trailing off into thought.

"Who is your partner, Specs?" Remus asked. "I've been trying to figure out who'd stoop low enough to date y-"

"Shut up, he's thinking." Roman hissed. He was positively vibrating with excitement at the prospect of getting 'cast'.

"Okay, I've got something." Logan said. "Director wants to do a big film. But, by a mix up, instead of a big-money actor getting cast, they cast an extra instead. The director gets pissed but it's too late to do anything so the extra has to do the film. Long story short, the director and actor fall in love." Logan shrugged. "It's not the best, I know, but it's all I got right now."

"Three minutes." Virgil announced as a time-check. "Then we're free."

"That'll do." Janus said. He tapped his fingers on the desk. "Obviously, Roman's the actor. He's basically playing himself." He blew a breath up through his fringe. "I've got this real clear image of the director watching one of the scenes Roman's doing and just being like 'holy shit, I'm in love' with, like, music in the background."

"Why's that important to the casting?" Remus asked. The question might've sounded accusing but it didn't. It sounded genuinely curious and that made Janus' heart flutter.

He was going to kiss Remus breathless if it was the last thing he ever did.

"Cause we'd need to cast the director as someone who had actual chemistry with Roman." Janus explained. "You know, someone who had real chemistry with him and who he has real chemistry with. Like Virgil." He didn't even have to look around to know the racoo- emo's head had snapped up. "Virgil can be the director."

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I misheard that." Roman said, blinking rapidly. "Real chemistry?"

Janus nodded. "Real chemistry." He repeated. "And, no, not the science. The other chemistry." Better make it as clear as glass for the two idiots. "Remus could be Roman's agent, Logan could be the script writer or something and I could be the one who fucks everything up and gets the lovers to meet."

Janus looked around at Roman and Virgil. They were wearing twin expressions of shock and varying levels of blush. If they didn't get it now, they were stupider than Freddie fucking Markson. And that was saying something.

Logan looked at his watch. "That's the hour." He said. "Four o'clock. Detention's over."

Almost immediately, Virgil grabbed his bag and marched out of the detention hall. Not even so much of a 'goodbye' or a glance at Roman. He just left the bang of the door in his wake.

Janus blinked.

Logan checked his phone and typed something quickly. He checked his watch again and zipped up his bag. "Yeah, um," he pushed his glasses up his nose, "I'd better go too. My ride's here."

"I will find out who you're dating, Specs!" Remus called after him. "Mark my words!"

Logan waved a hand at him dismissively. "Yeah, sure." With that, he left the hall.

Remus nudged Roman with his shoulder. "Go ask Virgil out or something!" He said. "Before he's gone forever again."

"He won't give you the time of day at school." Janus advised. "So go on, Romano."

Roman glared at Janus but, to his surprise, didn't say anything. He just grabbed his bag and looked heavily at Remus.

"If this goes badly for me, I'm killing you." He said. Remus grinned.

"Wouldn't doubt it."

Roman left the hall. Remus fiddled with the strap of his bag and Janus realised just how quiet the hall had become in a matter of seconds.

"Well?" Janus asked. "Ain't you going after him?"

Remus shrugged. "He'll be fine without his younger brother messing it all up for him." He said. He stood up and Janus fully expected him to shoulder his bag and leave, taking whatever fluttery feeling Janus had in his chest with him.

Instead, Remus walked round to Janus' desk and sat down next to him. He took Janus' hand gently then stopped and looked at him, as if for confirmation. When Janus didn't pull away, Remus took his hand in both of Remus'.

"I'm going to murder Freddie." He promised. "He doesn't get to live unscathed for what he did to you."

"Don't hurt yourself." Janus said quietly. It was meant to sound like a joke, a little rib between friends (that's what they were, right?) but it didn't sound like that. It sounded too sincere.

"I'll try not to." Remus said, tilting his head to the side slightly, still studying Janus' gauze-covered knuckles. "But you know what Freds is like. He punches people to say 'hello'."

Janus took a deep breath. "He won't give you the time of day at school." He thought to himself. "It's just the same with Roman and Virgil. Only it'll be a Winston who won't give you the time of day."

He took another deep breath. "Rem-"

"Can I kiss you?"

Just gonna let that sit there. Suffer.

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