Chapter 49

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Roman blushed. "I do not have feelings for Virgil." He said. Janus nodded his head to the side, smirking. "Hey, I don't!"

"Sure, sure, sure." Remus said. "You just... disappeared off into the theatre with him when, really, you were meant to be looking for him. And you flirt with him non-stop. And you literally told me." He grinned. "You may be able to hide from yourself, Ro, but you can't hide from me."

"Shut up." Roman said through gritted teeth.

"Or what?" Remus asked, laughing. Janus tapped him on the arm and handed him the gauze. "Great. Think you're okay to walk?"

Janus shrugged. Roman pulled up the photo on his phone to repack the First Aid Kit so he wouldn't get the wrath of Logan (which was apparently a lot more scary than anyone could've guessed).

"If Janus is okay to walk, we should probably head back." He said, slotting the bottle and cotton buds into place. "Dunno if the gauze is gonna fit."

"Why's that an issue?" Remus asked, trying to poke his head round to see what Roman was looking at.

"Cause otherwise Logan's going to dislocate my arm, isn't he?" Roman said. Janus snickered. Roman looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "Got a laughing problem?" He asked, trying to keep his voice light. Janus laughed again.

Roman looked at his brother and tried to hide his smirk. Remus had quickly averted his eyes to anything that wasn't remotely Janus-shaped the moment Janus had laughed. He wasn't even bothering to hide the line of blush along his face.

Roman elbowed Remus. "Look, it's pretty obvious." He said quietly, only so Remus could hear. "So, if you like him, do something about it."

"Are you insane?!" Remus whisper-yelled, keeping his voice quiet too. "I don't want to die!"

"Why would you die?"

"Look at him!" Remus shot back. "He's fricken perfect."

"So?" Roman asked. "He's not too perfect for a Winston." Roman nudged Remus with his shoulder. "Or are you scared?"

Remus looked down. "No." He muttered. "Maybe..."

"What's the worst he could do to you? Be real, he's not gonna hurt you." Roman said. He snapped the kit closed as if that finalised the conversation. "You good enough to walk, Jan?"

"Mhm." Came from behind them. Both brothers looked around to see Janus standing above them, grinning like nobody's business.

"Oh, fuck. Please tell me you didn't hear any of that." Remus said, jumping up with his normal bounce.

Janus shrugged, smirking. Remus hid his face in his jacket collar, groaning.

"Ro, I hate you." Came Remus' muffled declaration.

Roman laughed. "Sure, Re." He said as he stood up. "You are alright, though, right?" He asked Janus. Janus shrugged with a bit of a side-smile.

"Holy shit, what the fuck happened?" Virgil asked, looking up. Roman gestured to Janus.

"Freddie happened." He said.

"Two things." Virgil said, standing up. "One, I meant what happened leading up to this point. Completely missed everything apart from Janus storming out. Second of all," Virgil rolled his head to the side, "perfect. I've been looking for someone to stick full of needles all day. Freddie'll be great."

"That's not a good idea." Roman said quickly. Janus being hurt was bad but Virgil being hurt... that would be even worse. "Freddie's, like, really strong. He was gonna break Janus' arm, I think."

Janus nodded as confirmation. Virgil sighed and slowly sat down in his chair.

"Fine." He said, rolling his eyes. "I won't hurt anyone, dad."

Logan snorted with laughter. He beckoned Roman. "Kit. Now."

"Everything's in order, Nerd. Calm down." Roman said, handing him the kit.

"Fine." Logan said. He snapped the kit open, checking everything quickly. "You live another day."

Roman rolled his eyes. "I'm honoured." He said sarcastically. "What do I do now, bow?"

Logan shrugged. Virgil laughed from the back.

"Princey, that's not how you do sarcasm." He said.

"Oh really?" Roman asked, sitting on his desk. "How'd you do sarcasm then, oh Great and Sarcastic Lord of Sarcasm?"

"Nickname needs work." Virgil noted. "And I'd be happy to teach you." He said with a small smirk.

Roman looked down, going pink. Remus giggled.

"I know this is just a recycling of your advice." He said to Roman quietly. "But if you like him, do something about it."

Don't know what this chapter was, don't know if I like it or not.

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