Chapter 7

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Janus looked up and caught Remus staring at him. "What?" He asked. "What're you staring at?"

"Oh, nothing." Remus said with a side smile. Janus looked at him in confusion but went back to his paper airplane anyway.

Remus tilted his head and continued to stare at Janus. There was just something about Janus that made Remus stare. Maybe it was because he'd only put eyeliner on one eye? Janus had a slightly smudged ring of thin eyeliner around one eye but not the other. Maybe it was his face itself? Bumpy, red skin climbed up the left side of his face, starting at his chin and stopped just under his fringe. There were a few patches of the same type of skin on his neck. How far down did the patches go, Remus wondered.

About five minutes ago, they'd all settled to their own tasks and in that time, Janus had managed to make a squadron of paper airplanes. The tip of his tongue stuck out of his mouth ever so slightly as he worked, probably just from concentration. It shouldn't make Remus think the thoughts he did.

Janus looked up and met Remus' eyes. "Okay, why are you staring at me?" He asked, sitting up properly. Remus shrugged and looked up at the ceiling.

"Cause I can." He said. Janus rolled his eyes.

"Okay, fine, whatever." Janus dismissed it with a wave of his hand. He closed one eye, took aim and threw his paper airplane at Roman. It hit him in the back, right between his shoulder blades. Roman jumped and twisted around in his chair.

Roman glared at Janus. "I hate you." He said. Janus laughed.

"Believe me Romano, the feeling is more than mutual." He said, still laughing.

"Shut up, don't call me that." Roman snapped. Janus laughed again, a lot less phased about this than Roman.

"No." He said, smirking. "I can do whatever the fuck I want and you can't do anything about that."

"I could punch you into tomorrow." Roman muttered.

"Please, you're an actor." Janus said. "You can't punch to save your life." He rolled his eyes and grinned, getting up to grab another piece of paper.

"You can't be making another paper plane." Logan said, looking up from his book. Janus shrugged.

"Why not? It's fun." He said, walking past Logan's desk and jumping back onto his own. "Anyway, what did you guys do to get here?"

"Why should we tell you?" Roman asked sharply. Janus raised an eyebrow at him.

"I just thought that it's the only thing we have in common here, so why not talk about it?" He said. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

Roman glared at him before looking at the wall and crossing his arms.

"Come on, Ro." Remus called. "You've got a pretty decent reason to be here. I'd be proud of it if I were you."

Virgil opened one eye. "Okay, now I'm interested." He said quietly. Roman looked over at him fleetingly before looking down. He sighed.

"Fine." Roman said. "Fine, fine, fine. I made one too many comments to Mr. Pichard and I got detention cause of it."

"No way." Virgil said, pushing himself up and sitting on the table rather than lying on it. "You're the guy who took on Mr. Bitchard? That's awesome."

Roman shrugged and Virgil laughed, smiling for what must've been the first time that day.

"No, don't just shrug that off." Virgil said. "That's fecking brilliant. And here I thought you got detention for something stupid like misplacing a prop." Virgil laughed again. He tilted his head to the side, a ghost of a smile lingering. "Perhaps I misjudged you, Princey."

I haven't actually gotten Writer's Block yet. That's really awesome.

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