Chapter 11

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"Okay. Okay, fine." Janus said. "If you're so special, where are you on this hierarchy?"

Virgil shrugged, a small almost smirk on his face. "Whoever said I was special?" He asked. "All I said was that you three are in the rabble." He shrugged again. "So'm I. I don't give enough shits about the school system to actually try, we're not learning anything important anyway."

Virgil looked between Janus, Remus and Roman, as if daring them to challenge his statement. No one said anything.

"Is that what got you in detention?" Roman asked eventually. Virgil nodded.

"No assignments turned in, no notes home received, no notes taken for exams, all exams flunked. I'm practically a drop-out only I still wear the uniform and go to classes." Virgil explained. He pulled the sleeve of his hoodie over his hand and started biting it, drawing his knees up to his chest. "It's funny, actually." He commented.

"What is?" Roman asked.

Virgil shrugged. "Just stuff." He mumbled.

"That's not an answer." Roman said. Virgil raised an eyebrow at him.

"No one ever said I needed to answer you, Princey." He said.

"Where did the nickname come from?" Roman asked. Virgil shrugged.

"My little brother says you look like a Disney prince, that's all." He said.

"How does your little brother know what Ro looks like?" Remus asked.

Virgil hugged his knees closer to his chest. "Well, when the drama department was doing Beauty And The Beast, they needed extra people behind stage and I offered to pitch in. It's Issac's favourite Disney film and families of people who worked on the show get half off tickets."

Roman nodded slowly. "You helped with props, didn't you?" He said. Virgil half-shrugged.

"Yeah." He smiled a little. "Issac was so excited to see me in the play, he'd somehow convinced himself I was Cogsworth." Roman burst out laughing. "Something funny, Princey?" Virgil asked.

"Um- er... no." Roman said quickly. Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, you were the Beast, I remember," he said, pointing at Roman, "and you always broke the damn props. But Issac loved your performance and kept going on about the 'great Disney prince' and asking and asking if we were friends."

"What did you say?" Roman asked.

"Well, I told him that princes do not associate themselves with those who put coal on their face daily." Virgil said, gesturing to his make-up and jumping off the desk.

"Hey, where are you going?" Roman asked.

At the same time, Janus asked. "Wait, that's actually coal?"

Virgil looked back at them over his shoulder. "I need a walk, Princey. Too much pent up energy. And no, Janus, it's not actually coal. But they didn't have modern make-up in 18th century France."

"They still didn't put coal on their face as a way of beautifying themselves." Janus muttered but no one was listening.

"Ro? Ro, are you there?" Remus asked, waving his hand in front of Roman's face. "Earth to Roman? Hello, is anyone home?"

"Doubt it." Janus said, a little louder. "Lights are on but no one's home."

"Oh, can it, Janus." Roman snapped suddenly. Janus bowed a little.

"There you are, magic." He said.

"Are you okay, Ro?" Remus asked. Roman shrugged, a slightly dreamy look in his eyes.

"I think I'm in love." He said.

Remus sighed. "Oh Jesus Christ, not again."


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