Chapter 45

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Remus stared after Janus as he left. The door swung shut on its own with a small crack and Remus turned to Roman, glaring daggers.

"What the actual fuck, Roman?!" He asked. There was so much anger in his voice that he couldn't have been any scarier, even if he shouted.

"I'm sorry, okay?!" Roman said. "I didn't mean to say it, it just sorta slipped out."

"I didn't 'mean' to be your brother but yet," Remus gave a little laugh completely devoid of humour, "here we are. The fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I don't know! I didn't mean to-"

"You still said it." Logan said. He spoke calmly enough but when Roman looked at him, his face was a storm of anger. "You not meaning to say something doesn't make it right. And exposing something someone is clearly secretive about when it's none of your business is just sick."

"I didn't- I don't-" Roman sighed, trying to dredge up another apology or reason. "I- I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"If you're so sorry, go apologise to Jan." Remus snapped.

"No way!"

"Oh, brilliant Roman Winston, can't even fucking apologise to someone who deserves it, huh?!" Remus asked and now he did yell. He shouted so loudly Virgil looked up from the back of the hall.

"I'm not gonna apologise because he's kill me if I did!" Roman bit back. "He'd beat my face to bloody bits!"

"And maybe you'd deserve it!" Remus yelled. "Maybe you'd fucking deserve it for what you said to him, what you did to him. For all the shit he got off of you."

"This is the one bad thing I did to him, I don't understand what you're talking about!" Roman yelled back.

"Only bad thing?" Remus repeated. "Only bad thing?!" He shook his head disbelievingly. "He got into his first fight the day after you dumped him. He started appearing with bruises all over his face and arms after you left him in the dust. And now you go pull this shit-"

"I already said I was sorry-"

"If you're going to apologise, apologise to Janus." Remus snarled. "Don't waste your 'sorry's on deaf ears." He batted his hands at Roman. "Go on. If you really want to apologise, go!"

Janus paced around in a circle, cracking his knuckles. He threw his bag against the wall roughly and kicked it, a snarl on his face. His sadness had quickly turned to anger but unshed tears still pressed at the back of his eyes.

Janus threw a punch at the air. Then another. Then another.

"Just imagine it's Roman's face." He muttered to himself. He threw another punch. "Just imagine it's stupid Roman's face."

"Talking to yourself again, Freak?" A voice from behind him said. "You know you're meant to be in detention, right?"

Janus rolled his shoulders back and cracked his neck to the side. If he couldn't fight Roman, Freddie would do.

"When have I ever cared about that?" He asked, doing his best to keep the snarl and sneer out of his voice.

"Do you want a fight, Freak?" Freddie asked. Janus turned around to face him. He pulled his gloves off and cracked his knuckles again. "Cause I've been looking for a reason to kick your sorry ass all day."

"Why not?" Janus said. "You've always been one to please, haven't you?"

The slight smirk Freddie always wore turned down into a grimace. Janus' smirk only grew.

"Aw, scared?" Janus taunted. "Come on. You want a fight too, right? A reason to kick my sor-"

Freddie cut him off with a punch.

This was not planned, this was not planned, this was not planned, THIS WAS NOT PLANNED! AND I'M SO SORRY!

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