Chapter 6

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"Is he going to be okay?" Roman asked. Logan shrugged.

"Eventually." He said. "Just leave him to calm down by himself. He knows what to do better than anyone."

Roman continued to stare at Virgil in worry. Logan sighed. "If you want to go check on him, you can. Just expect to get punched or stabbed with a needle if you do."

"Sorry, a needle?" Roman asked, tearing his eyes away from Virgil to look at Logan. Logan shrugged.

"Yeah. He's taking Textiles for GCSE and he always has needles somehow." He said. "So, unless you want a needle in the face, leave him alone." Logan said the last part like a warning.

Roman looked at him sceptically. Almost like he was challenging Logan. He got up and went over to Virgil.

He lent against the wall next to Virgil, waiting and listening to Virgil's ragged breathing slow down and even out. After nearly ten minutes, Virgil took a huge gasp of air and looked up at the ceiling, taking his forehead off the wall.

"You okay?" Roman asked quietly. Virgil put his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"That's a stupid question, see-seeing as I've just had an attack." Virgil muttered.

"Yeah, fair point." Roman said. He crossed his arms and looked at Virgil. Virgil sighed, not meeting Roman's eyes.

"But yeah, I-I'm fine." He said, his voice monotone yet somehow slightly sarcastic. "Why do y-you care?" Virgil asked, looking up and meeting Roman's eyes.

Roman swallowed. He shrugged. "Dunno. Guess you just get worried, you know? It looked bad."

"Believe me, Princey," Virgil said, bitter hints and tones in his voice, "whatever you thought it was, it was a-a lot worse than it looked. Now, why don't you go back to your own problems and leave me alone?"

"I was just trying to help." Roman thought. He didn't say anything. Instead, he did what Virgil had suggested and went back to the front of the detention hall.

"As you can see," Roman said, forcing some bravado into his tone, "I do not have a needle in my face. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Nerd."

Logan rolled his eyes. "So, just to clarify, we're not doing the paper?" He said, ignoring Roman.

"Are you kidding?" Remus asked. "No way I'm doing any of that shit because Freddie and Daniel told me to. Not exactly the biggest fan of taking orders."

"Mhm, okay." Logan said, staring Remus down. "Anyway, what about you?" He asked, looking up at Janus. Janus shrugged, picking at his nails.

"I'm don't do school work anyway." Janus said. He looked up at Logan and grinned. "And pissing off Freddie is my favourite pass-time. No way am I writing a shitty paper on why I'm here."

Roman rolled his eyes. "You're all such idiots." He said. "You may not mind another two detentions but I've got a show in two weeks. I'm already missing the dress rehearsal because of you assholes."

"It was us 'assholes' who stood up for Logan." Janus said, trying not to snap. "I didn't see you living up to your title of 'King' or 'Prince' of whatever."

"I don't need to stick up for people I don't know." Roman snapped. He was glad his back was turned to the group, he always looked up when he lied.

"Even when they're being discriminated against? That's not very prince-like." Janus asked.

"I don't appreciate my just existing being turned into another lovers squabble." Logan said, talking over the two.

"We are not lovers!" Roman snapped.

"And I'm so glad because of it." Janus said, glaring at Roman's back but talking to Logan.

"Well, whatever you are, shut up." Logan snapped. "It's only been an hour and a half and I'm already tired of you two."

"Yeah, be quiet." Virgil said. Everyone looked up at him. He stared back at all of them and threw his fringe out of his eyes. "Logan's right, it's only been an hour and a half and I've already had one attack because of you two. So take his advice and shut it." Virgil pulled a pack of long needles out of his hoodie pocket and sat down. "Or you'll get a needle in your eye."

"Are you threatening us?" Janus asked. Virgil glared at him.

"And if I am?" He asked. "Take Logan's advice and shut it. It's what's best for you."

This is going nowhere. Why can't I just make people get along? Also, the stuttering thing is a common thing that happens to me during, before and after panic attacks so don't come at me, thank you.

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