Chapter 39

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 Virgil looked up as the door opened, hiding his headphones under the desk quickly. His posture relaxed as soon as he saw it was only Remus and Janus.

"So you two finally decided to show up." Logan said.

"Oh, come on." Janus rolled his eyes. "We're here before Daniel, ain't we?"

Logan glared at Janus. "Very nearly." He said.

"What took you two so long, anyway?" Roman asked. His gaze turned suspicious. "You didn't fuck, did you?"

Janus snorted with laughter.

"Believe me, Ro," Remus said, a devilish grin on his face, "if we fucked, you'd know."

Roman's suspicion turned to disgust. "You're awful."

"And you asked." Remus said, his grin a little too wide, a little too bright. Not real.

Something was bothering Remus, Virgil knew that much from personal experience.

"Anyway," Janus jumped onto his desk and tapped his hands on his knees, "what're we doing now?"

"Ro's finishing his boringer than being straight essay." Remus said.

"That's not a word." Logan cut in.

"Who the fuck cares?" Remus asked. "And we can do whatever we want."

"We can't." Virgil piped up. Everyone looked around at him. Virgil noticed Roman rubbing his arms, a barely hidden wince on his face. "There's at least two more of Daniel's and Freddie's routine checks and if we're going to survive through both of them, we need to be careful."

"He says while brandishing his headphones in clear view of everyone." Janus said, putting on a sarcastic narrator voice.

"I was just putting them away." Virgil snarled, zipping his backpack up roughly. He looked at Roman and his gaze softened.

"Princey, can I talk to you?" He asked, nodding his head to the back of the room slightly.


"Just... can I talk to you?" Virgil asked. Roman shrugged.


Roman got up amid wolf-whistles (mostly from Remus) and followed Virgil to the back of the hall.

"I know they hurt you." Virgil said quietly. Roman clasped his hands behind his back quickly.

"Hurt me?" He asked. "What... What are you talking about?"

Virgil sighed. He rolled up his hoodie sleeve. "They hurt me too." He said. Roman looked from the faint band of bruises around Virgil's wrist to Virgil and back.

"It's months old." Virgil explained, pulling his sleeve down. "Never healed, don't get why. And you don't have to tell me anything, okay? But, if you do want to, I am here for you, okay?"

Roman didn't say anything, his eyes fixed on the floor.

"Don't let them change you." Virgil said. "You're insufferable as you are and that's for the best." Somehow, he managed to make that into a compliment and Roman smiled a reluctant smile.

"Thanks?" He asked. "I think."

Virgil laughed a bit. "I'm trying my best, okay? I can give you my number if you want to text me anytime or something."

"You're really looking out for me here, huh?" Roman asked.

Virgil shrugged, trying to ignore how fast his heart was beating from just having offered Roman his number after having nearly kissed Roman.

"No one deserves to go through what Daniel and Freddie do alone." He said. "And if the school isn't going to help, then I will instead."

I probably won't be able to write tomorrow or Thursday. Sorry.

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