Chapter 15

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WARNING: Daniel, Freddie, misgendering, deadnaming, panic attack

"Did you just punch my friend?"

Logan looked up into Daniel's thunderous face and supressed a smile. "Yeah, I did. Only fair," he looked back at his book, "considering the amount of times he's punched me."

Freddie tapped Daniel on the shoulder. "She's insane, man." He said. "Crazy fucking bitch."

Logan's hand tightened on his book slightly at Freddie's words. "Look," he said, looking over the top of his book, "if I'm supposedly on drugs, I'm about high enough to fight God right now. But since I can't, one of you will do."

Daniel and Freddie shot glances at each other. "Fine, fine." Daniel said, looking back at Logan. "We'll leave you alone." Daniel nodded his head slightly at Freddie, who started off to the back of the hall.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Roman asked, sitting up. Daniel shrugged.

"We said we'd leave Amelia alone," he said, grinning a sick grin, "we never said anything about her little friend."

Both Roman and Logan shot out of their chairs. "You leave Virgil alone." Logan snapped.

Daniel shrugged again. "Tell that to Freddie." He said.

"Shit." Roman hissed. Freddie walked back through the centre of the desks, dusting his hands off and looking quite pleased with himself. "What did you do?" Roman asked, trying to put menace behind his words and not fear.

Freddie laughed silently. "Why don't you go ask the little sissy at the back?" He said. He and Daniel left the detention hall.

"Shit." Roman hissed again and ran to the back of the hall. "Hey, hey, Virgil?" He asked quietly, crouching down next to Virgil. "Hey, what happened?"

Virgil was lying curled up on the floor and one of his hands shot out wildly, trying to bat Roman away. Roman sat down and scootched away a little.

Roman looked up at the sound of more footsteps. It was just Logan. Logan sat down next to Roman.

"What happened?" He whispered. "Apart from Freddie, obviously."

Roman shrugged, shaking his head helplessly. "I don't know."

Virgil took a deep breath and held it, maybe calming down. He held his breath for nearly 30 seconds before bursting out back into ragged, panicked breathes. It took him another two minutes or so to calm down properly.

Virgil swallowed and sat up slowly, his breathing still slightly erratic. He put his head in his hands.

"Fuck that." He muttered. "Fuck all of that."

"What happened?" Roman asked quietly, scooting a little closer to Virgil. Virgil looked up at him with wide, scared eyes. Then, he recognised Roman and the fear left his eyes.

"Freddie decided it'd be a lot of fun to push me around." Virgil mumbled. "Didn't even take him shouting to trigger an attack."

"I'm going to kill him." Roman said. It wasn't a threat, it was a promise. Virgil shrugged.

"Don't see how that would help the situation now." He said. Virgil pulled his hood over his head and pulled the strings so the hood closed around his face. "We're locked in here, remember?"

"Yeah." The voice made Roman jump. He hadn't realised Janus and Remus had joined them. "And remember, Ro, you've got your precious play rehearsal tomorrow."

Roman shrugged, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, how are you gonna work your way around that one, Romano?" Janus asked, pulling his glove down.

"Whatever." Virgil muttered, standing up. He stumbled slightly, leaning against the wall. "Jesus Christ, I'm never doing that again."

"What? Standing up?" Logan asked, standing up himself. Virgil laughed quietly. Roman nearly fell over at the sound, his face slightly red.

"No, having an attack on the floor again." Virgil said. He pulled his hood away from his face and ran a hand through his hair. "So dizzy, would not recommend, half a star."

If you based another panic attack off your own experiences, clap your hands.
*clap clap*
If this one happened yesterday, clap your hands.
*clap clap*

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