Chapter 33

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Roman poked his head through the door to the theatre. Would Virgil really come here? The only other room on this floor was the diner, that seemed more Virgil's style...

But did the emo even eat? He seemed like a creature of the night - a vampire - who fed on the blood of the innocent and the souls of the damned.

Roman looked around the theatre, watching the dust catch in the light. The whole room smelt musty, of dust and old costumes, of cosmetics and props, of electricity and magic. Magic. Yeah, that was right. The theatre smelt of magic.

A small detour couldn't hurt.

Roman walked over to the stage and bounded upon the boards in one jump. He took a deep breath and sighed contentedly, leaning his head back. He looked out over the empty seats. And already he could hear the thunderous smattering of applause as he and the rest of the cast took their bows...

Roman pressed a hand to the opposite side of his chest. "Dignity." He quoted from the script. "Always dignity." He laughed, his hand dropping to his side.

Roman tilted his head back and looked at the spotlights among the rafters. "Pink, purple, yellow, blue." He muttered to himself, pointing at the different lights. "Red and... peach?"

A spotlight flooded his sight, blinding him briefly. He blinked, little blue and purple dots blinking with him.

"Emo Nightmare?" He asked. He heard Virgil's laugh. Now he understood where the nickname 'sunshine' had come from. Virgil's laugh reminded him off summer and sunlight and all things bright and alive in the world.

"Hey, Princey." Virgil said. "So you found me, huh?"

Roman shrugged, trying to see past the spotlight. "Yeah. Wouldn't've thought you'd be here."

"I wouldn't've guessed either." Virgil admitted. "Anyway, Don Lockwood, it's your audition."

Roman laughed in surprise. "My- My audition?" He asked. "For what?"

"To see if you can get me out of this box or not." Virgil said. "I'm not leaving until you serenade me, Princey."

Roman laughed again, though he couldn't pinpoint why. "It's not the proper setting." He said. Virgil tutted.

"Excuses, excuses." He said. "Tut, tut, tut, Princey." But by his voice, Roman could tell Virgil was enjoying this too.

"I at least need more than one light." Roman reasoned. Virgil groaned over-dramatically.

"Fine." He said, dragging the word out. "What lights d'you need?"

Roman did one slow turn on the stage, looking up at the rafters thoughtfully.

"Some pink," he said. Almost as soon as he said it, the lights came on pink. Roman shook his head.

"Nah, that's too much. Just around the edges."

The pink dimmed. A grin began to form on Roman's face.

"Great. And then, yellow and peach..." The lights came on, the yellow and peach mingling with pink to create an almost sunset. "And a smidge-"

Virgil snorted. "Smidge?"

"Shut up." Roman bit back playfully. "A little bit of purple."

A couple of lights turned purple. Roman grinned.

"Perfect." He said in a sort of breathless way. He never understood what it was about lighting but it lifted the performance just that bit more.

"Now that you have the proper setting," Virgil said. Roman noted the quote from Kathy in the song. He hoped it wasn't just accidental. "Can you say it?" Virgil's voice was quieter now and in one place rather than all around. He'd come out of the lighting box.

Roman smiled softly.

These chapters have been surprisingly low on angst...
I'll have to change that.

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