Chapter 13

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Janus glared at Roman. He wouldn't cry over this boy, not again.

"That was a low blow, Roman." Janus said quietly, trying to swallow down his anger. "That was a low, low blow and you know it."

Roman picked at his nails, apparently uncaring. "Do I?" He asked and the damn bastard was smirking. Smirking about the fact that he'd gotten through to Janus where it hurt. "I thought I didn't know anything, Jan-Jan."

"Shut up!" Janus yelled. He jumped off his desk and balled his hands into fists. "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled. He cast a glance over his shoulder before continuing in a lower tone. "I am not a liar, Roman. I'm not a liar and you know it."

"What are you gonna do?" Roman asked. He looked down at Janus' hands and raised an eyebrow. "Punch me?"

Janus wouldn't cry over this boy. He wouldn't cry over Roman for another time. Still, he felt the pressure of tears behind his eyes, threatening.

"Go on then." Roman continued. He stood up, far closer to Janus than Janus would've liked. "Punch me, come on. I know you want to. Or would you rather slap me? Come on, do it." Roman crossed his arms, glaring right back into Janus' eyes. "Give me your best shot."

Janus glared wordlessly. Roman smirked, a silent laugh quirking his smirk higher.

"Oh, he resists." Roman said, clearly enjoying this. "Don't want to be like dear old daddy, then?"

"Stop it!" Remus snapped, his voice making them both turn their heads. They'd both half-forgotten there were other people in the room.

"Stop it." Remus repeated quietly. "Look, I don't know what's going on between you two but if you're going to fight or fuck, I don't care-"

"Ew!" Roman exclaimed.

"Just do it somewhere else." Remus finished. "My eyes are bleeding from the amount of tension there." He waved his hand in Janus and Roman's direction.

"Ew!" Janus exclaimed now. "That's disgusting."

"Precisely." Remus said. "It is. So sit down and stop bothering my brother. And Ro," Remus called, leaning his head to the side, "stop bothering Janus. He's been through a lot of shit, just like you. So can it if you want kids one day."

Janus blinked, trying to work out exactly how someone had both threatened and protected him in the same breath. He sat down on Remus' desk.

"Why're you here?" Remus asked. Janus shrugged.

"I- I can move." He said, shooting back up. "If-If that's better."

Remus looked at him in confusion. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice a lot more gentle.

Janus shook his head as if to rid his brain of cobwebs and held half of his hair behind his head. He shoved his free hand in his jean pocket.

"Fucking idiot, you are." He thought. "Get it together, Janus."

"I'm fine." He muttered, sitting back on his desk. "Just needed a breath to clear my head."

Remus sat backwards in his chair, facing Janus. He looked over his shoulder at Roman and Logan and then over Janus' shoulder, at Virgil. None of them were looking at him and Janus.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked quietly.

Janus didn't meet Remus' eyes. "I'm fine." He said again. "And even if I wasn't, I wouldn't tell the brother of my ex."

Remus took the hint and sat back a little. "Okay." He muttered. "But I'm a good listener." He said, turning around in his chair. "If you do need to talk."

Dun, dun

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