Chapter 32

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Virgil trailed his hand along the wall, humming to the song playing in his headphones. Was it kind of rude to have just left Logan, Roman and the others alone? Yeah, it was. But Virgil had never really been one for niceness.

"I don't wanna be the President of America." Virgil sang under his breath with Freddie Mercury. His playlist was almost fully comprised of Queen, with a couple more stereotypical emo bands sprinkled in for good measure.

Virgil walked past the theatre and stopped. He turned on his heel and poked his head in the doorway.

Empty. Perfect.

Virgil tapped a button on his headphones, pausing the music as he rambled around the side of the stage. He slipped in the wings and made his way backstage, the quiet of his footsteps practice and not conscious.

Virgil pulled his headphones down around his neck and a smile pulled one side of his mouth up. Everything was still there, in show order. Guys and Dolls, Grease, Hairspray, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast-

Virgil stopped running his finger along the shelves when he got to Beauty and the Beast. The rose he'd so carefully crafted was still there, inside the plastic dome made to look like glass. The rose really did look like it was wilting now, leaning against the plastic dome, some of the fabric petals drooping. It looked delicate, he probably shouldn't pick it up.

Virgil lifted the dome off the shelf and pulled the rose out from under it. Despite being a few years old, it was still in very good condition.

"I'd no idea they'd kept you." He said to the rose, his voice quiet. "Thought they would've just thrown you out. Thought they would've thrown all this shit out." He looked up at all the other props on the shelf.

He looked back at the flower and pushed one of the fabric petals up, trying to make it sit like it had before. The petals just fluttered back to their wilted state.

Virgil smiled reminiscently. "Though she's already so far beyond my reach, she's never out of sight." He sang quietly. He turned the rose through his fingers. "Now I know she'll never leave me, even as she fades from view. She will still inspire me, be a part of everything I do."

Virgil looked up at the ceiling, his smile growing. His voice was by no means good - that's one of the many reasons he worked behind stage rather than on it -  but he could carry a tune well enough.

"Wasting in my lonely tower. Waiting by an open door..." Virgil's voice dwindled as he set about putting the rose back as it had been before. "I'll fool myself she'll walk right in. And as the long, long nights begin, I'll think of all that might have been."

He set the plastic dome back on the wooden stand and twisted it, hearing the satisfying click that always came with the dome closing properly.

"Waiting here for evermore." Virgil carried the last note as long as he could but he felt that the note extended long after he'd ran out of breath.

Virgil peaked back through the wings, his skin standing out alarmingly pale against the black material.

"Wonder if you can still get into the lighting box." He thought.

I liked this chapter. It's giving me ideas for King of Hearts and Roses.

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