Chapter 27

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"So, what's the plan?" Janus asked.

"Plan?" Logan repeated.

"Yeah. Every mission needs a fence, which we don't have, and a plan." Janus explained.

"C'mon, Jan, we don't need a plan." Remus said confidently. "We've got Specs."

"A 'Specs' who is on his medication." Logan said, a bite in his tone. "I won't be helping you."

"Then why are you here?" Roman asked. He shrugged, a little confused. "Wasn't the whole reason you came out here to help Sunshine get his headphones back?"

Logan shrugged. "Look, I don't know." He said. "All I know is that I need a look-out."

"And a plan." Janus said quietly.

"D'you think everything I've taken was with a plan?" Logan asked. "I've done it without a plan before, I can do it again."

"If you want another detention, sure you can." Janus said. "Besides, you just said so yourself, you've taken your meds. You're no longer stealing superhero Logan, you're just Logan."

"Don't call it that." Logan muttered.

"What?" Janus asked. "Stealing? That's what it is."

"It makes me feel dirty." Logan said quietly.

"Welcome to the club." Janus said. He didn't have time for this, none of them did. "We all feel dirty here."

"Can we not argue?" Virgil asked with a groan. "They're my headphones, I'll get them." He set off but Roman grabbed his hood, pulling him back.

"You're not going anywhere until we have a plan, Sunshine." Roman said. "Don't want you getting hurt."

Virgil looked Roman in the eye and a looked passed between them that Janus couldn't decipher but when Virgil looked away, he recognised the look in his eyes.

"Fine." Virgil muttered. "Lo, what's the plan?"

Roman let go of Virgil's hood in favour of focusing on Logan. Virgil scratched the back of his neck, drawing the hood closer to him. Janus didn't hear Logan's sarcastic ramblings, it didn't bother him. What bothered him was the look on Virgil's face.

Virgil had the look of someone desperately in love and desperately trying to hide it. Desperately in love with Roman. That could only end in disaster.

"Anyway, like I said, we need a look-out." Logan was saying. Janus shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I'll do it." He said. Logan looked over at him.

"Thought you didn't believe in look-outs?" He said, his tone tight. Janus shrugged.

"I don't." He said simply. "But I'm the one they're least likely to hurt. I've got dirt on both of them."

"Then shouldn't you be the one to get the headphones back?" Roman asked.

"We already agreed Specs would do that." Remus said with an unfounded savageness in his voice. "Right, Specs?"

"I didn't agree to anything." Logan said. "But since I'm wearing the quietest shoes, fine. Plus," he sighed and readjusted his shirt, "I may not like my illness," he put emphasis on the word, glaring at Remus, "but it does give you some tips."

Remus leaned against the wall and almost grinned. "Well then, it was nice knowing you." He said.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Rem." Janus said, rolling his eyes to ignore how annoyingly attractive Remus was. "Let's go, nerd." He said, pushing Logan forward. Logan glared at him.

"Remember what I know." Logan said quietly, just so Janus could here. Janus laughed.

"Ooh, wow, so scary." He said. "Trying to blackmail the blackmailer. Let's just go, asshat."

I hate this chapter. That's all

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