Chapter 43

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Logan sighed. "How about we take the diplomatic route with this?" He asked. "You're essay's finished, by the way." He handed Roman back his essay, who gaped at it.

"How did you do this and do you give lessons?!" He asked, astounded.

"Um, I don't know how I do it and no, I don't give lessons." Logan said. "Cause they would be very boring. But anyway, how about we take the diplomatic route?" He shrugged. "Virgil doesn't want to play so Virgil doesn't have to. All this bickering about it has rather intrigued me so I'll play, if you need another player."

Before anyone could say anything against Logan's suggestion, Virgil got up, grabbed his headphones and threw a peace sign at Logan as he half-ran to the back of the hall. Everyone stared after him.

"Well, I guess that settles it?" Janus said, but it was more a question. Remus shrugged.

"Guess so." He said. "C'mon, what're we gonna play?" He asked, a child-like grin crossing his face.

"Not Give Or Take." Roman said, sitting properly on Virgil's desk. "Before you can say anything."

Remus rolled his eyes. "I wasn't gonna say Give Or Take." His grin turned slightly devilish. "Though it would've been fun-"


"Fine!" Remus sighed, rolling his eyes. "Specs? How long d'we have til another visit from the prison guards?"

Logan shrugged. "Not sure, honestly. It would probably be just under an hour and 30 but after the little stunt I pulled..." Logan shrugged again. "Who knows?"

"Yeah, might've scared them off." Janus agreed, leaning back on his hands. Neither Roman nor Logan missed Remus staring shamelessly at Janus.

"Even if it didn't, you could just threaten them again." Remus said, tearing his eyes away from Janus. Logan shrugged.

"Maybe. I don't know. Anyway," he clapped his hands in an attempt to draw the conversation away from himself, "what game are we playing?"

"Why don't you ask Roman?" Janus asked. "He's very good at playing things."

"Seriously?!" Roman asked. "You seriously can't let it go?"

Janus shrugged. "Letting things go isn't really my thing."


Remus clapped excitedly, startling both of them. "That's it!" He said.

"What's it?" Janus asked, sitting forward.

"Two truths and a lie." Remus said like it was obvious.

Logan took a deep breath. "No." Was all he said, though.

"Yeah, I agree with the nerd." Roman said. "No."

"Oh come on, do you have a better idea?" Remus asked defensively. Roman fell silent, tapping his fingers on the desk.

"Okay, no but-"

"No 'but', Ro!" Remus protested over the top of Roman's words. "Since this is the only idea on the table, we're playing it!"

"Yeah, okay, but none of us are really that big on sharing secrets, Rem." Janus said. "Only you are, really."

"It doesn't have to be anything big." Remus said. "Least not yet. Lemme start-"

"It's not like anyone else is gonna want to." Roman mumbled. Remus stared at him with a sort of wide-eyed intensity that made even Logan uncomfortable.

"Roman." Remus said. "Shut up." He blinked and returned to his normal self. "Anyway, my go. Um... I can't speak Spanish for the life of me, I've been doing piano since I was 13 and the only time I solved a Rubix cube was at 2 am when I was meant to be asleep but instead was very high on caffeine."

"The second one." Janus said without looking up from the floor. "You've been playing rock'n'roll since you were 13 but you've been playing piano for nearly a decade." He looked up at Remus. "Right?"

Remus nodded, grinning. "Yup. See? Easy." He said, mostly pointed at Roman. "Now it's Jan's turn."

Logan blinked. "Sorry, you call drinking coffee being high?"

Remus nodded. "Yeah. Why? Doesn't everyone?"

Logan blinked again. "No? We don't?"

Am I going to stretch this story out? I don't know. But whatever the fuck I'm gonna do, it'll be pretty bad.

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