Chapter 10

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"What are you doing?" Janus asked. Logan looked at him.

"Fixing my binder." He said. "The strap was digging into my shoulder. Why d'you need to know?"

"I didn't 'need to know', it just looked weird." Janus said. Logan rolled his eyes and grabbed his book.

"Whatever." He muttered, opening his book.

"So," Remus said. Logan rolled his eyes. "You have a partner?"

"Why is it so surprising that I'm dating someone?" Logan asked, a snap in his voice. Remus blinked.

"Do you really want the answer to that question?" Remus asked.

"Fuck off." Logan muttered.

"Hey, no, you're not retreating into your stupid little fantasy world." Remus protested. "Talk."

"What is this, a hold-up?" Logan glared over the top of his book at Remus. "I'm not telling you a single thing about my partner, even if you pester me all day."

"Oh believe me, I will." Remus said.

"Why do you care so much about who Lo's dating?" Virgil asked. He picked a couple strings off his hoodie, unbothered by anyone in the room. "It's not your business."

"Yes but my business is making other people's shit my business." Remus said. Virgil rolled his eyes.

"So you're one of those people, got it." He said condescendingly.

"One of what people?" Remus asked.

"Re, who cares?" Roman asked.

"Oh look, we'd gotten so close to you not speaking." Janus said. "Shame we had to break that streak."

Virgil looked between the three slowly. "You're all part of those people, actually."

"Who?" Roman asked. Virgil met his gaze and raised an eyebrow. Roman was the first to look away, perhaps blushing just a little.

"Well, first, you've got the teachers." Virgil said, pointing at something invisible in the air. "They're on a whole other level. Then," he moved his hand down to point at something else, "you've got the 'nerds'. The people who're bullied but, ultimately, will be better than you. Like Lo. Then you've got the 'creatives'. Drama kids, DT kids, music kids-"

"So me, then." Roman said. Virgil looked at him dead-pan.

"No." Virgil said simply. "Anyway, the 'creatives'. Quiet, creative kids who won't be as successful as the nerd but will still be successful."

"I've never met a quiet theatre kid." Roman said.

"When I say 'quiet', I don't mean quiet in the sense of the word." Virgil said. "I mean those who still do work because they don't see themselves as better. Anyway, under the creatives we've got the gossips. They know everything but also know nothing. They'll get by but they won't be successful. Finally, we have the rabble." He pointed at Remus, then Janus, then Roman, a small smirk on his face. "You guys. Because you think yourselves better than the average student, you don't try as hard. Don't show up for class, don't work hard, don't do things properly. Only things you do work hard in is your passion. See example, Princey over here."

"Hey, I work hard." Roman protested.

"Yes but only in drama." Virgil said. "I've seen you in more plays than I have in practical curricular classrooms. Granted, you're good but just working in drama won't give you the credentials you need to become an actual actor. You need to show you're smart too, not just a pretty face."

Roman rolled his eyes, apparently deaf to what Virgil had just said. "Oh, what do you know, Hot Topic?"

Virgil grinned crookedly. "I know you think I'm hot."

Roman's eyes widened and he hid his face in his hands. "That's not what I meant!" He said, his protests muffled slightly.

Virgil laughed. "But it's what you said."

I love the kind of, like... *doesn't have a word for it*... THIS KIND OF VIRGIL! Who puts shit in lists and stuff! So let me have this!

The Breakfast Club Rewrite (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon