Chapter 28

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"So..." Logan rolled his eyes.

"No, there is no plan." He hissed, annoyed. Janus put his hands up.

"Okay, okay. Damn, sorry." He said. Logan rolled his eyes again and shook his head.

"Daniel and Freddie are most likely in the head's office. And confiscated things go to the actual office." Logan said, musing more to himself than talking to Janus.

"How do you know they'll put Virge's headphones in the right place?" Janus asked.

"Because they want to keep appearances up." Logan explained. "Believe me, when you want to keep up a good appearance, you do everything correctly apart from the one thing you're doing wrong."

"So that's why you're such a nerd." Janus said, catching on.

"Swot." Logan said. "Not nerd."

"Same thing." Janus said.

"No." Logan stood on tip-toe to try and look in the office. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Know what, you're look-out." He gave Janus a shove towards the head's office. "Check and stop annoying me."

Janus glared at him but peaked around the door. His eyes widened a little as he peaked through one of the windows embedded in the door.

"So?" Logan hissed. Janus looked at him and ducked away from the window.

"You were right." He said, like he didn't believe it. "Both in there."

"Course I was right." Logan said confidently. Maybe that would hide how relieved he was.

"Anyway, the office now." Janus said.

"Are you insane?!" Logan hissed. Janus stopped mid-stride, looking rather like a stop-motion cartoon someone had forgotten to finish.

"No?" He said almost like a question.

"We can't go past the head's office." Logan said. "They could see us. We'll just go around." He grabbed Janus' arm and pulled him away, not noticing how Janus flinched when Logan's hand closed around his wrist.

"Stay here until I get Virgil's shit, okay?" Logan said, thankfully letting go of Janus' wrist.

"No, I was thinking off walking off." Janus said sarcastically. "Of course I'm going to stay here, idiot. What do I do if someone comes?"

Logan shrugged. "It's unlikely but just make a huge fucking racket, I guess." Without another word, he opened the office door a crack and slipped in.

"Kid's fucking crazy." Janus thought, rubbing his wrist to try and rid it of the feeling of someone holding it. "How'd he even get the key off Daniel?"

Daniel had been standing very close to Logan, right. Logan had crossed his arms and leaned back... was that when he'd done it? It didn't make much sense, he shouldn't have been close enough to grab the key. Hell, Janus hadn't even noticed a key on Daniel's person so how the Hell had Logan?

"Kid's really fucking crazy." Janus concluded in his head, still rubbing his wrist. His hand caught the edge of a bruise over his jacket and he winced. His hand dropped.

"Yeah, best to not." He thought. Janus sighed and leaned his head back, looking up at the overcast sky. Janus tapped his hands against the wall and started humming. Something old, he couldn't remember the name of the tune. Maybe something from the 80's?

"Come on, let's go." Logan said, patting Janus' shoulder and making him jump. Logan looked at him, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Now!"

Janus hurried after Logan and quickly fell into step beside him. "Hey, nerd?"

"It's Logan but what?" Logan asked.

"How'd you do it?" Janus asked.

"How'd I do what?"

"Get the key." Janus said. "Cause I've been running it over in my head and I can't see a possible way you could've gotten the key off Daniel."

"Oh. That's cause I got it off Freddie." Logan said casually. "When I punched him, I grabbed the key off his belt. Everyone was too focused on me just having punched him to notice the key being gone."

Janus stared at him. "So the whole thing with the smirking at Daniel and the binder and stuff was just a ploy?"

Logan shrugged and nodded. "Easiest way to steal a man's wallet is to say you're gonna steal his watch." He said, a small grin on his face.

Janus paused. "Is that from Six of Crows?" He asked. Logan didn't answer. "I can't believe you just quoted Six of Crows to me." Janus said, almost laughing.

I hate myself. I can't fucking write.

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