Chapter 19

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"Hey, Virgil?" Logan asked.


"I was just thinking that-" Logan looked up. "Are you alright?"

"Hm? Yes, fine." Virgil said quickly, crossing his arms. Logan blinked at him.

"Are you sure?" Logan asked.

"Yes." Virgil said with a glare. Logan raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh.

"Sure you're sure?" He asked. "Because your face is pink." Logan said this just loud enough for Remus and Janus to hear. "You sure you don't have a fever or something?"

Virgil glared at Logan, looking like he was going to murder Logan. "Shut up, shut up, shut up." He hissed through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, now that Specs mentions it," Remus said, "your face is a bit red, Virgil."

Virgil transferred his glaring from Logan to Remus, who was grinning like anything.

"He definitely wasn't blushing before he went to help Roman." Janus said. "What d'you suppose it could be?"

"It's not what you think it is." Virgil tried to convince them. "It's just... I'm hot, that's all."

Remus glanced Virgil up and down quickly. "That's debatable." He said. "But if it's temperature wise, take your hoodie off, then."

"No." Virgil said, grabbing the sleeves of his hoodie as if someone was going to tear it away from him.

"So you can't be that hot if you don't want to take your hoodie off." Janus reasoned.

"Could it possibly, just maybe, be a crush?" Logan asked, enjoying this far too much.

"No! No, it's not!" Virgil snapped quickly. He snatched a glance at Roman before lowering his voice. "I do not have a crush on Roman."

"Weird how we only mentioned Roman once." Logan said.

"It was clear what you were insinuating." Virgil said. "And I'm going to tell you no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No!" Virgil was stuck on the word, like a broken record.

"Just letting you know-" Remus started.

"No!" Virgil nearly yelled. "Nothing more on the matter, thank you." Virgil pulled on his hoodie strings and disappeared inside his hoodie.

Remus snorted with laughter. "That was fun." He said quietly. Logan shrugged.

"Virgil's not the most secretive type. Give it til the end of the day. We'll get something out of him." Logan said confidently.

"Gotta kinda worry though, right?" Janus asked.

"Ro's changed, Jan." Remus muttered.

"Yeah, but people changed back, don't they?" Janus said. He crossed his arms almost as protection. "Even if they don't mean it." He looked at Remus and Logan. "I'm just worried for Virgil, okay?!"

Logan sighed and tapped Virgil on the shoulder. Virgil jumped and hissed at him.

"What?" He asked.

"I was just thinking, you've never had two attacks in the same day." Logan said. "And it's not even midday yet."

"So?" Virgil asked defensively.

"You could have more." Logan said. "And that's not fun for anyone."

"No shit, Sherlock." Virgil rolled his eyes. "Is there a reason to you explaining my life to me?"

Logan paused for a few seconds. "Your headphones help, don't they?"

Virgil pulled his hood down. "Well, yeah, they help block out sound and shit. What's that got to do with anything?"

"I was just thinking that if we got your headphones back, you could calm yourself down easier." Logan said.

"How're we gonna do that, genius?" Virgil asked sarcastically. "My headphones are out there, we're in here, the door's locked. We don't have the key, idiot."

Logan smirked a little. "See, that's what you think."

I hate this chapter.

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