Chapter 52

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Janus coughed and looked away quickly, red in the face. Virgil snickered, then threw his head back and laughed out loud.

"Oh, this is brilliant!" He said. "Okay, Mr Casting Director, who would we all be in a coming-of-age film?"

Janus looked at him, his eyes scrunched up in confusion. "You've jumped from horror to coming-of-age?"

Virgil shrugged. "Well, I've got other genres if that's not what you wanna cast."

Janus tilted his head up. "Okay. Hit me with some other genres. I'll see what I can do."

Virgil side-eyed Logan. "Lo?"

Logan shrugged. "Go for it." He said. Virgil grinned.

"Okay, just wouldn't want you to miss out." He looked back at Janus. "Heist, romcom, Halloween, Christmas, coming-of-age, fantasy, murder, book adaption, fairy-tale, spy-"

"Fairy-tale." Janus decided. He hooked his legs under himself on the desk, curling his fingers over the edge of the desk to keep balance. "If someone's willing to come up with a plot, I'll cast it."

"I bags plotting it!" Logan said, his hand shooting up in the air. When no one said anything against him, he cleared his throat and straightened his glasses. "If... If that's okay."

"I've seen some of your stories in English, Specs." Remus said. "They're bangers. Go ahead."

A ghost of a smile touched Logan's face. "Okay, here's the pitch." Something changed in Logan's posture. He looked more confident, more excited. "A warrior of some noble title goes on a quest to rescue a royal for their knighting. The royal is guarded by some fearsome beasts of some sort that the noble must defeat. They journey day and night to find the place where the royal has been kept. They find that the royal actually took themself off to this place - probably a tower - to avoid being crowned sovereign of their kingdom. This is because their uncle wants to take the crown and will kill whoever gets in his way. The 'fearsome beasts' guarded the royal are actually protecting them, they're the royal's closest companions. The noble promises to protect the royal. Somewhere here they fall in love... and they run away. The end."

Logan smiled contentedly. Remus' mouth fell open a little.

"You came up with all that?" He asked. "Like, on the spot?"

Logan nodded. "The perks of having a slightly emotionally distant brother." He shrugged, still smiling a little. "You spend a lot of time with your thoughts."

Roman clapped at Janus twice. "Cast it, Janus!" He demanded. Janus rolled his eyes.

"I wanna be the uncle!" Remus said excitedly. "And I wanna have a super hot advisor who I rant  and scheme to in a fainty homoerotic way!"

"Okay, okay, okay, fine!" Janus said, putting his hands up in a surrender. "Plus, if you grew your... I'm gonna call it a moustache but it really could be anything-"

"Hey! It's a moustache!" Remus yelled indignantly.

"Whatever." Janus said with a shake of his head. "If you grew it out, you could, like, twirl it maliciously or whatever. Anyway, Remus is the uncle, Roman's obviously the hero, he's the poster boy for heroic dumbass-"

"Why thank you."

"That's not a compliment." Janus said, dead-pan. "I'd say Virgil would make a good prince who doesn't want to become king. Logan'd make a pretty mean fearsome beast and I'll be the advisor, I guess."

Remus giggled excitedly. "Definitely ranting in a homoerotic way." He said. "And maybe pinning against the wall a few times in anger."

Janus rolled his eyes. "Please, like you'd not be the one against the wall."

"Guess we'll just have to test that theory out." Remus said, smirking.

"Can we keep it PG, please?" Logan asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Or at least a 12? We are in a school, after all."

Virgil checked his phone for the time. "Hey, nearly four." He said, smiling.

"We got time for one more casting?" Roman asked. Virgil looked up at him and shrugged, looking away quickly.

"I guess."

Ooooh, thank fuck. The story's probably, maybe nearly over.

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