Chapter 21

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WARNING: Freddie, deadnaming

The room fell silent and Roman noticed Logan slip the key up his sleeve.

"Clever, nerd." Roman thought, dropping his eyes to the floor before it could raise suspicion.

Freddie glared at them. "Well?" He asked. "I know one of you idiots stole my key so own up before I have to punch it out of you." He snapped, crossing his arms.

No one said anything. Freddie narrowed his eyes.

"Amelia?" He asked, his voice quieter but no less menacing. "Do you have something for me?"

Logan curled his hands into fists and didn't answer. Freddie waited patiently.

"Amelia?" He asked again. "Do you have my key?"

"Who's Amelia?" Logan asked quietly. Freddie's slight smirk curled down into a grimace.

"Where's my damn key, you klepto?!" He yelled, slamming his hands on the desk.

"I don't know!" Logan snapped. "I don't have it!"

Freddie glared at Logan. "I know you're lying." He hissed. "And I'm going to find out why."

"He doesn't have your key, Freddie." Roman said.

"Did we ask for your input, Roman?" Freddie asked.

"No, but you need it." Roman said. "It's not Logan who's got your key."

"Then who is it?" Freddie asked. Roman shrugged.

"It's Daniel." He said. "He came in here with two keys on his person. If you want answers, ask him."

Freddie laughed. "You're such an idiot." He said. "I already asked Daniel, you complete fuckass." He grinned. "But you've just thrown yourself under the bus there, Roman."

Roman swallowed but held his ground. He couldn't pretend this wasn't terrifying but he could still at least make it out alive, without anyone else getting hurt.

"Fine." He said. "You've got nothing against me. I don't steal but if you want to accuse me of that, fine."

Freddie's grin didn't fade but it certainly changed into something more sinister. "Up. Now." He demanded.

"No." Roman said, leaning back in his chair. "If you want me out of this chair, you're gonna have to drag me out of it."

Now, Freddie's grin did fade. "Fine." He said. He grabbed Roman's arm and pulled him out of the chair as if Roman was nothing more than a rag-doll.

Roman winced as Freddie twisted his arm behind his back. "I won't yell." He told himself. "I won't yell or even make a sound. He's certainly not getting that out of me, even if he gets blood."

"See, this," Freddie said to the others, "is what happens to liars." With that, Freddie left, pulling Roman out with him.

Virgil winced again as the door closed with a bang.

"We've got to go after him." Remus said, jumping off the table. "Specs, give me the key."

Logan stared at the floor, not giving a sign of whether or not he'd heard Remus.

"Specs." Remus snapped, his voice getting more panicked. "Specs, please, give me the damn key. Specs!"

"Quiet." Janus said. "Rem, I agree with you but-"

"But what? But what?!" Remus asked. "You hate Ro, we all know that. This is probably brilliant for you, isn't it? My brother's finally getting what he deserves."

"Now that's just unfair." Janus snapped. "Yes, I don't like Roman after what he did to me but he doesn't deserve to be beaten up for something he didn't do-"


"Oh, shut up." Remus snapped. "You're such an idiot-"

"Oh, I'm the idiot here?" Janus asked.


"Yeah, you are!" Remus snapped. "You really think that-"

"Would you two please stop your lovers squabble for five fucking seconds?!" Virgil shouted, pulling on his hood strings. His voice made both Janus and Remus pause.

Virgil sighed a breath up through his fringe. "None of us like the fact that Princey's gone." Virgil said. His tone was slow, deliberate, like he was talking to toddlers. "But you two yelling about it isn't helping anyone."

Virgil took another breath and turned to Logan. "Lo?" He asked quietly. "Can I have the key? Please?"

Logan shook his head.

"Why not?" Virgil asked, his tone not changing. He'd definitely sensed something the others hadn't.

"It's my fault." Logan said, his voice thick and quiet. "It's my fault Roman's getting hurt and it's my fault he's in trouble. All my fault."

Thiiiis is gonna be fun to write.

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