Chapter 29

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Virgil was sat with his head in his hands, looking at the floor. He hadn't moved in about five minutes.

"Are you okay, Sunshine?" Roman asked. Virgil looked up sharply and Roman jumped.

"Last warning, don't call me that." Virgil said. "But yeah, I'm fine."

"Then why are you sitting like a widow woman who just lost her husband?" Roman asked, sitting down next to Virgil.

"Weird analogy, Princey." He said. "But cause I want to, I guess."

"How come you get to call me 'Princey' but I can't call you 'Sunshine'?"

Virgil smirked a little, making Roman's heart skip half a beat. "Cause my nickname doesn't offend you." Virgil said.

Roman blinked and swallowed. "Okay. What can I call you, then?"

Virgil shrugged. "Anything but 'Sunshine'." He wrinkled his nose. "I hate the sun."

"Ah. So that's the reason for this whole heinous predicament." Roman said. He expected Virgil to be at least confused (at most to tell him to speak English and stop using silly words) but Virgil just laughed.

"Fine language for such a peasant." Virgil said admirably. "But yeah, guess so."

"You can't call me 'Princey' and then turn around and say I'm a peasant, Panic At The Everywhere." Roman said, testing out the new nickname. It got another laugh from Virgil, a sound oddly happy to be coming from him.

"I can do whatever I want, Princey." Virgil said joyously. "And I can be as contrary as I want."

Roman rolled his eyes. "Wow, you're a nightmare." He received an elbow to the side for this comment.

"If you're going to call me a nightmare, at least put emo in front of it." Virgil said. "I still deserve a bit of class."

"And you think 'class' is putting your style in front of everything, Emo Nightmare?" Roman asked. Virgil shrugged.

"It's what you do." He said.

"Do not!" Roman protested perhaps a tad too dramatically. Remus groaned.

"Look you two, while I enjoy getting cavities from watching a perfectly healthy relationship unfold," he said, "could you go eye-fuck each other somewhere else. I feel icky seeing this."

Roman glared at him, trying to silently tell Remus to 'shut it, you're ruining my chances!' From the way Remus grinned at him, he got the message.

"You're a pig." Virgil said casually, picking at his hoodie sleeve. Remus let out a surprised bark of laughter.

"Wow, dirty talker, huh?" He asked.

"If I had a chair, I would throw it at you." Virgil said casually. "Or a water bottle. Or book."

"Can you settle for headphones?" Logan asked, announcing his and Janus' return. Virgil bounced up with far too much energy for him and snatched his headphones from Logan, cradling them like they were a precious thing.

Logan blinked. "A thank you would be nice." He said.

"Seeing as I haven't scowled at you, consider that a thank you." Virgil said, not exactly grinning but not completely dead-pan either. He slipped his headphones on and sighed, closing his eyes.

"That's a lot better." He said quietly. He more whispered than spoke and Roman nearly choked on air. Virgil's eyes snapped open. "Well, I'm going."

"Where?" Janus asked. Virgil shrugged.

"Anywhere. We've got what, hour?" He asked.

"Hour and a half. Roughly." Roman said. Virgil nodded at him.

"And the whole school to ourself." He grinned. "I'm going wherever the fuck I want."

"I don't think we should split up." Logan said.

"Why not?" Virgil whined.

"Well, for a start, not all of us have watches-"

"But we all have phones." Janus said. Annoyingly, he'd placed himself quite close to Remus and seemed to have been flirting with him again. It irked Roman.

"Fine. Then we need to set alarms on our phones, if we are gonna split up." Logan said. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and set an alarm. "There, see? Now we won't be late and get another detention."

"So we can split up?" Roman checked. Logan shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess." He said. "You fine with that, Vir-" He looked over to where Virgil had previously stood as he spoke. Logan was talking to empty air.

Virgil was gone.

... Holy shit, I don't hate this chapter. Holy shit. This chapter was actually fun to write. Holy shit.

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