Chapter 42

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Charlotte P.O.V

Niall turns away and walks out of my room. Not even a minute later Beth comes walking into my room.

"Need help?" Beth walks up next to me and tries to hug me.

"Please don't hug me. I will start crying and I don't think I will stop. Let's just get everything packed and leave." I walk over to my closet and pull out my two suitcases.

Thankfully I mostly have clothes to pack. All my jewelry is in a jewelry box so I place that in a suitcase and start packing my clothes. Beth grabs all of my pictures and wraps them up in some of my shirts. After we get all that packed we have to pack my shoes.

"How did you get your shoes here?" Beth looks at my big pile of shoes.

"I don't remember. We could just put them in trash bags," I suggest.

"I will go grab some."

Beth comes back a few minutes later with a handful of trash bags. We quietly stuff my shoes in the bags. I look around the empty room. Whitney moved into Melanie and Amy's old room as soon as they moved out. I wish I could say goodbye to Whitney, but she is on spring break. I check the closet and see one item of clothing left. My dress from the fundraiser. This dress holds too many memories. I can't take it with me. I leave it in the closet and then shut the door. Beth gives me an 'are you sure' look and I give her a slight nod. Of course I want the dress, but I can't handle it.

We hear a knock on the door and Harry pokes his head in.

"Do you need help getting your stuff to the car?" Harry gives me a small smile.

"Yes, thank you." I smile back at him.

He grabs both suitcases and one trash bag. Beth and I both grab two trash bags. As I leave my room I look down the hall and see Niall's bedroom door cracked open a little bit.

"I will meet you guys at the car." I tell Harry and Beth.

I set my two bags down and go to Niall's door. I knock on it and don't hear anything. I knock again and still nothing. I decide to just go in. Niall is laying on his bed. He has one arm covering his eyes and the other hand is resting on his stomach.

"Niall," I clear my throat, but Niall doesn't move. "I'm sorry. I wish things were different, but they aren't. You are a good guy, an amazing guy actually. I hope that you find happiness." Niall still doesn't move so I back out his room and leave.

I pick up my two bags and walk slowly to Beth's car. When I get outside I see Harry and Beth smiling. I hope that they get back together. Something good needs to come from these four long miserable months.

"Where are you going to stay?" Harry asks as he grabs my bags and stuff them in the trunk.

"Harry I love you like a brother, but you can't know that. At least for now. I don't want Niall showing up while I'm trying to get over him." I hope he understands.

"You love him, don't you?" Harry gives me a sympathetic look.

"Bye Harry. I will miss you." I throw my arms around him and he hugs me back.

"We can still hang out and be friends you know." Harry whispers in my ear. I just nod my head.

Beth and I get in her car and we drive away. I relax, but I still won't let myself cry.

"Where are we going? Do you want to stay with me?" Beth glances at me and then looks at the road.

"No, take me to the bar. I know you want us to live together, but I need some time alone." Maybe eventually I will want to live with Beth. Just not right now.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin