Chapter 52

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Niall P.O.V

"Can you believe we got back from Ireland two weeks ago?" Charlotte asks, trying to distract me from the football game.

"Crazy," I mumble back.

"I realized something while we were visiting your family." Charlotte pauses, waiting for me to say something, but I try to focus on the game. "We don't know that much about each other."

"What are you talking about?" This grabs my full attention.

"I mean we know the big stuff about each other, but we don't know the little things that make us, well us." Charlotte smiles at me.

"You know everything you need to know." I look back at the TV.

"But I want to know the useless things." Charlotte isn't going to give up.

I turn off the TV since it is only going to distract me from Charlotte. I look back at Charlotte and her smile gets bigger. I lean back into the couch to get more comfortable. Charlotte then lays down on her back and rests her head on my lap. Her hair is everywhere so I start playing with it.

"What do you want to know?" I grab a small chunk of her hair and hit her softly in the face with it.

"How did you meet Harry, Louis, and Liam?" Charlotte looks up at me and waits for my answer.

"You think how I met them is useless information?" I smirk as her eyes go wide.

"No! It's just that no one has ever told me and I'm curious." Charlotte talks fast and it makes me laugh.

"We met at a soccer camp when we were young. Louis was ten, Liam and I were eight, and Harry was seven. Louis and I were the only ones who went up until we were sixteen. After that we realized we weren't going to become professionals so we stopped going. The last two years I went wasn't very fun since none of the lads were there." I laugh at the memories from that camp.

"Your parents let you go to a camp in England when you were only eight?" Charlotte's expression and tone of voice show how shocked she is.

"I wanted to be a professional football player. My parents believed in me so they let me go to the best football camp." It's what parents should do. "Now it's my turn to ask you a question. Did you ever have a good relationship with your parents?"

"Yes. We were fine until I turned thirteen. That's when my parents started controlling my life and trying to make me do things their way. I didn't start fighting back until I was sixteen. They were having me go on dates with guys in their early twenties. Talking about marriage and I couldn't handle it. Things calmed down quite a bit when I was dating Chad, but you know what happened with that. What is your favorite food?" She doesn't hesitate to ask another question.

"Let's see. There are so many choices. I would have to say my favorite is, I don't know. I love it all too much to just pick one!" Charlotte starts laughing at me. "Do you like any sports?"

"I love tennis. I played in high school. I even got a few offers from some colleges to play for them." Charlotte shrugs her shoulders like it's no big deal. "What is your favorite color?"

"Hold it, did you play for Yale?" Is my girlfriend a secret superstar athlete?

"They tired to get me to play, but I let my parents talk me out of it. Every single year." I notice as Charlotte tries to hide her disappointment.

"They as in Yale tried to get you to play for them every year, but you said no? How good are you?"

"My parents didn't think it was a good idea and I was stupid enough to listen to them. Now, what is your favorite color?"

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now