Chapter 29

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If you don't remember who Brooke is, Charlotte thinks that she is the girl from the picture she found in chapter 13. Charlotte dyed her hair exactly like the girl in the picture and all the guys called her Brooke.

When I open my eyes I sigh. Another day is here and I'm still as mad as I was when I found out about the contracts a week ago. Niall has been working the night shift, so we haven't seen each other very much. I have been avoiding Harry as well. I think if Niall sees us together, he will go off. I hate how messed up everything is right now. I just want to go back to New York. Everything was so much easier then. I decide that I should get up and do something productive on my day off. Since everyone is gone I just put jeans and a t-shirt on. I throw my hair up in a bun and just put a little bit of mascara and cover up on.

I walk into the kitchen to make myself some coffee and I hear the doorbell ring. I sigh and go to the door. I open the door and when I see who is at the door my mouth drops wide open. It's the girl from the picture. Brooke, I think. Two little kids standing in front of her, smiling at me. Both have blonde hair and blue eyes. Are they Niall's? There is no way. I have been here for almost three months. I would have seen them sooner, but Niall is secretive. Brooke looks me up and down and I do the same to her. We do look similar, but we have a lot differences. She is a lot taller than me.

"Can I help you?" I decide to break the silence and act like I don't know her.

"Is Niall here?" She looks at me and I think she is surprised that I'm here.

"He is at work, but he worked the night shift so he should be home soon." I wonder if I shouldn't have told her that.

"Perfect. My babysitter fell through for the day and I need to go get some things done. Tell Niall that I will be back by five to get them." She says quickly pushing her kids towards me.

"Did you not hear me? Niall worked the night shift. He is going to be too tired to watch your kids." They have to be Niall's kids. Why else would she expect him to watch them on short notice?

"I don't know who you are, but Niall will understand." She turns and leaves and it takes everything in me not to yell at her.

I smile down at the kids. "Hi, come on in." I move so they can walk in.

They follow me into the living room. I stare at them and they stare at me. This is a little awkward. The little boy is probably four or five. His younger sister must be two. They are really cute kids.

"What are your names?" I ask them.

"We aren't allowed to talk to strangers." The little boy says, looking at me skeptically.

"I'm a friend of Niall's." Should I of said dad? I'm sure they know who I mean.

"I'm Daniel and my little sister's name is Peyton." Daniel mumbles and looks at the ground.

"Those are awesome names. My name is Charlotte." Peyton smiles at me, but Daniel doesn't move his eyes off the ground. "Do you want to play a game or watch a movie?"

"We aren't allowed to watch TV," Daniel says. Go figure, Brooke seems like that type of mom. What am I saying? I don't even know her.

"Game it is. Just make yourselves comfortable, while I go get a game." I leave them alone and go to the game room. Hopefully there are broad games that they can play.


I look down at my phone and realize that only an hour has past since Daniel and Peyton have gotten here. How is that possible? I found Candyland and some other kids games in a closet in the game room. We are currently playing UNO and I'm trying to let Peyton win. She picked the game, but she clearly doesn't know how to play.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now