Chapter 2

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"Wow, wow, wow. Let me get this straight. Chad cheated on you and while he was confessing this to you he proposed at the same time?" Beth asking while looking at me blankly.

"Yes." I was about to go on, but Beth cut me off.

"And your parents cut you off, because you wouldn't forgive him and marry him?" Beth raised her eyebrows at me a couple seconds later and I realized it was my turn to talk.

"You are correct." She keeps staring at me like I'm about to burst into tears at any moment, but I'm done crying. There is nothing left to cry about.

Beth started to yell, "that is really FU-"

"Watch the language, Beth." Beth is the most gorgeous girl I have ever met. She is completely opposite of me, short brown hair with legs that go on for miles, but she has a mouth like sailor.

"Sorry, I just don't understand how your cool with all of this. What does Dawson think of this? Is he still friends with Chad?" I knew she would ask about Dawson, it was a matter of time.

"I don't know if I should tell you about my brother. Your feelings for him might change."

"Charlotte, just tell me! I am making a mental note of who's cars I need to key for revenge." I'm so glad that Beth is home and someone from that world is taking my side.

"You cannot key my family's cars. Just key Chad's, but Dawson was Dawson. He comes and checks on me, but for the most part he does exactly what my parents say." I love Dawson, he has always been one of my best friends and best twin brother, but he doesn't know how to stand up for himself. "He is still friends with Chad. He reminded me that he warned me not to date him. I think he just feels bad that I don't have the comfort of our parents money."

"See this is why I could never date Dawson. The guy doesn't have a backbone, he is a jellyfish. I can't believe my parents expect me to marry him. No offense!" Beth said while softly smiling at me.

" Well you better if you want to keep your nice little lifestyle." When you are born in high society in Connecticut it is like the world goes back 400 years. Women don't publicly have an opinion and if you are unmarried, you better do exactly what your parents tell you to do. Beth and I have never fit into that world. She has always done a better job than me. I dyed my hair bleach blonde as soon as I turned 18 to tick off my parents. According to them, "bright blonde hair is unsuitable for a young lady who has any brains and any self worth." They also said it was too loud and brought too much attention to oneself. I also keep my hair long and curly, because it looks unmanageable and it looks like I have sex hair. I played sports and was on the debate team through out high school and college. Showing my parents that I can do what I want. Daya said it best when she said "No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty."

"If only your parents saw you now. Blonde almost white hair down to your butt, still curly as ever. I must say those keds are not even close to looking like high heels or helping your height. Did you shrink while I was gone?" Beth chuckled while looking me up and down.

"No! I did not shrink. I am still 5'3" thank you very much." I wonder if its time to stop doing things to tick off my parents. They aren't in my life anymore, so they will never know if I cut my hair and dye it back to a more natural color.

"What's it like working at a bar or really working at all? Is it hard?" Beth has an interview at the hospital tomorrow to be an OR nurse. I think she is a little worried to actually get the job. I think she is praying not to get it.

"Beth, its work, of course its hard. However, it is so much fun. I get paid to check out guys and to flirt with them."

"You sound like a prostitute."

"I would never sleep with any of them! Well except for one Dr. Louis Tomlinson. You will meet him if you get that job at the hospital. He is super good looking."

"How old is he?!" Beth yelled at me.

"Don't worry! He is in late 20's. I don't know his exact age." I love that Beth is judging me. She has hooked up with guys twice her age, maybe even three times her age.

"Young, good looking, and rich. Isn't that what you ran away from?"

"I didn't run away from anything, I gracefully walked out without turning back. Nothing is going to happen with Louis. He isn't interested." I forced a smile so Beth didn't think I was upset.

"You call him Louis, hmmm? I'm proud of you for leaving, I could never do that." I don't know why I forced a smile. Beth saw right through it and thats why she said she was proud of me.

"He told me to call him that and thank you. You could do it if you wanted to."

"Maybe I will move in with you when you don't live above a bar in a shack. I mean a "studio" apartment." I had to laugh when she used her hands to make air quotations while she said the word studio.

We spent the rest of the day catching up and laughing. She says she hates this apartment, but she looked awfully comfortable when she fell asleep on my couch. I hope she doesn't get in trouble for hanging out with me. In a sense I have been banished to the outskirts and to never be spoken of again.


Its finally Friday, and I am halfway through today and then I don't work til Monday! I am pretty excited to just sit on my couch and relax. I don't think I will even shower. I don't know what is weirder, the fact that I don't plan to shower or the fact that I'm excited not to shower. Its about noon and for some reason there is a lull. No lunch rush today.

I was leaning against the bar talking to Beth as she had a celebratory drink. She landed the job at the hospital and was surprisingly excited. While we were talking I heard loud laughter and a couple hand claps as the bar doors opened. I poked my head out to see Louis talking to some blondish brown haired boy. Louis was busy talking away while the other guy laughed and clapped his hands. I had to immediately point them out to Beth. They sat down in my section so I made my way over there while Beth sat there and drooled. Right when I reached them a familiar face came bursting through the bar doors. At first he ran right past me, but I couldn't help but say his name.

"Chad?" I said almost breathlessly.

"Charlotte, there you are. I have been to every bar in this crappy town looking for you. Its time to come home. We need to start planning the wedding." Everyone couldn't help, but stare. I looked at Chad and then at Louis and his friend.

"Chad, you have to go. How did you even find me?" I couldn't help, but keep looking back at Louis's friend. Something in his eyes changed after I told Chad to leave.

" I knew where you were this whole time. I was just giving you some space, but thats over now." He walked closer to me and grabbed my wrist to drag me out.

Something in me snapped and I pulled my arm back and said, "I don't know who you think you are that you can come here and tell me what to do. We aren't together anymore, I don't love you. I can barely stand to look at you. Now leave before I call security." Chad took a step back and walked out. For a millisecond I felt bad and considered running after him, but my feet wouldn't move and the bright blue eyes that were looking at me had me forgetting who Chad was.

"I'm sorry guys, just give me one second." I walked away from Louis and his friend, but not too fast. I had the delight of hearing Louis's friend ask what my deal was and Louis said, "Niall stop looking at her like that. She isn't like the girls you know."

Then this Niall guy slowly spoke, "all girls are the same Lou, she just made that obvious."


I am so excited to write it! I hope you like it! Comment and vote if you did.

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