Chapter 13

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^^^This is hilarious.

And double update thanks to glimmer_oreos!


What did I expect from Niall? Just because he has some kind of feelings for me doesn't mean he is going to change. He uses women when they are at their worst for his personal gain. Niall always shows who he truly is at the end of the day. I let things distract me. I have gotten too comfortable around here.

As I'm wiping the counter tops, Jake comes strolling in from the office. It looks like he slept here last night.

"Uhh Jake. Is everything okay at home?" I try not to sound concerned.

"Oh yeah." He pauses to laugh and then continues talking. "The mother in law is in town and she is driving me crazy. I just needed one night without her."

"You could have gone upstairs and slept. Your office couldn't have been that comfortable." Just thinking about sleeping in his office chair makes my back hurt.

"I was planning on it, but I fell asleep paying bills and figuring out inventory." Jake then proceeds to yawn.

"You can go sleep if you want. I can get the bar ready to open. I have done it a million times." When I lived here I always opened the bar.

"Naw, it's okay. We haven't gotten a chance to talk. How are things going? You seem a little agitated." I have known Jake for three months, but he knows me better than either of my parents.

"My new living situation is taking some time to adjust to." I sigh while walking over to one of the tables.

Jake follows me over to the table and we start taking the chairs off the table top. "Which one of the guys is bothering you or is it all three of them?"

I laugh and say, "how did you know?"

Jake shakes his head and then laughs. "I can tell that it is boy troubles. You have that look in your eyes."

"Louis and Harry are great. Even Liam is great when he comes to hang out." I try to avoid talking about Niall, because I know that once I start talking about him, I won't stop.

"Really? Niall is the one that is bothering you? He is the most laid back out of all of them. He doesn't get rowdy like the others either." Jake moves to another table, but I stay in my place.

"We just." I pause to figure out what I want to say. "We clash. We are so different that we are constantly fighting."

"Really?" Jake says exaggerating the r. "I always thought that if you two met, sparks would fly."

"Do you know Niall?" I ask sarcastically. "There could never be sparks between us."

"Of course. I know all those boys. I got to know them very well since they started their residency three years ago." Jake has known Niall that long. I wonder if he knows why Niall acts the way he does.

"Well no sparks. He is awful. Has he always been such a horrible person to women?" I walk over to Jake to help him clear off the next table.

"What? No. Niall use to be-" before he finishes his sentence he gets cut off by my phone ringing. "You go ahead and answer that. I should call my wife."

I pull out my phone and see that Niall is calling. "What do you want?" I say rudely into the phone.

"You took my fucking car? What if I need it?" Niall yells into the phone.

"I had to get to work. I will be back before you have to go to work," I say quietly. Yelling at Niall seems overrated right now. He isn't my boyfriend, I don't even like him. Why should I care who he sleeps with.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now