Chapter 1

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I never thought two months ago that I would be sitting here at a bar, sipping on whiskey, contemplating where I went wrong in life to get to this point. Did I mention that I work at this bar and the whiskey I'm drinking is going to be coming out of my paycheck since I don't have enough money in my bank account to cover it? When I graduated from Yale University I thought, "Wow, I'm so close to becoming a doctor and getting engaged! Finally I will make my mom proud." Well considering I haven't spoken to my mother in a month and a half, I would say she is the opposite of proud. Life can't possibly get any harder, right?

"Charlotte, if you are done moping around and drinking all my whiskey, will you go do your job? There has been a gentleman sitting in your section for a couple minutes."

"Hey, I'm not moping and I'm definitely not drinking all your whiskey! Plus, I promise I will pay you back as soon as you pay me. Thanks again for this job Jake. I know you had your doubts considering I have never had a job before." I said to the world's best boss.

"You're welcome. Hiring you was the best decision I made. Guys pay to use the restroom just to look at you." Jake said with a chuckle.

"They do not, but I'm not complaining if they do. The tips are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!"

"Well they won't be today if you keep making that customer wait." Jake said as he walked into the kitchen.

I stood up from my seat, grabbed my notepad and pen, and walked towards a man in a suit. As soon as I got close enough I realized who it was. Before I came face to face with him I had a big grin and started to greet him.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up, Mr. Dr. Tomlinson."

"Charlotte its Mr. or Dr. not both and I have told you a thousand times, Call me Louis." He let out a big laugh. "I should be saying that to you, I've been waiting 5 minutes for you to come talk to me and take my order."

"Its weird calling you by your first name. Your a surgeon, you should be respected like one." I said smiling at Dr. Tomlinson.

"Well, when I start doing surgery on you, then you can call me Dr, but until then, just Louis!" He said with his charming smile.

"Hopefully that will never happen, so Louis it is." I just can't picture him as a doctor, let alone a surgeon. He is by far the goofiest person I have ever met.

"So, are you going to take my order or just smile at me all day?" Louis said as a blush rose to my cheeks.

"Right... What can I get you to drink and before I forget, is anyone joining you?"

"I will take a water and nope, just me today."

"And do you want any apps?' As I asked Dr. Tomlinson, I mean Louis, his phone started ringing.

"Hello? Alright, I will be right there." Louis then hung up the phone, gave me his famous smirk and said, "Well duty calls. Some guy got his penis stuck in a soda bottle."

"Your joking right?"

"I wish I was, but I'm craving a cheeseburger, so I will come back for dinner. Are you working tonight? I really want to introduce you to my friends."

"Yep. First time working the evening shift. Hopefully I can swing it."

"As long as you don't make people wait to be served I think you will be fine."He said sarcastically.

"Haha you are sooo helpful." I said with an eye roll.

"I will see you tonight." He said as he put me in a headlock and messed up my hair. Well there goes my suspicion of if he was interested in me. That was too brotherly of him.

Rest of my shift dragged by. No cute doctors showed up tonight, only creepy old men. That's what happens Tuesday nights in the middle of winter. That meant I had more time to think about my life and to stress out about medical school and how to pay for it. Luckily, I only thought about Chad twice tonight and neither of those thoughts were about missing him and wanting to see him.


I woke up the next morning to a banging on my door. As I rolled out of bed I put the coffee on and wrapped a blanket around me. When I opened the door two arms were thrown over my shoulders and squeals kept hitting my ears. Soon I was jumping up and down from the excitement that ran through me.

"I can't believe you are finally home!" As I stopped jumping I got a good look at my best friend. "Beth, you look good. There is no way you lived in a third-world country for the last 6 months."

"And I can't believe you went from living in a penthouse to living in a shack above a bar." Beth said while looking around.

"Its all I can afford and its cozy once you get use to it." I tried defending myself. "I'm never going back to that penthouse again."

"You have to tell me what happened. I got home yesterday and the first thing I am told is that you have been cut off and no where to be found." Beth said raising her eyebrows.

"Of course they say I can't be found. Its a long story and I don't feel like talking about it, but I will give you a small summary." Beth started nodding her head up and down. We first got some coffee and nestled into my bed.

"Okay I'm ready, tell me everything that has caused you to drop out of med school and run from the High Society." Beth smiled with hopeful eyes.

I took a deep breath and started to tell my story.



Well, I hope you like it! Let me know if you like the length of the chapter. I don't want to reveal too much too soon.

Just a little warning, Niall is a bit of a jerk. If you don't like that then don't read the story. That's better than leaving comments and complaining. Just saying. Also, the chapters do get longer.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now