Chapter 7

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I hear a knock on the door followed by a voice saying, "Charlotte are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine."

I don't know how long I sat in the bathtub for. I don't think I cried for very long, but I could tell my eyes were puffy. After the tenth time of Whitney and Harry checking on me I decided to get out. I didn't want see or talk to anyone so once I was out of the bath, I ran to Niall's room to get some clothes. As I was in the closet getting dressed I could hear Niall's voice and a girl's voice I couldn't recognize. I don't think it's Whitney's, but there is only one way to be sure. I stepped out of the closet and my eyes went directly to the bed. Niall was sitting on the edge while some girl straddled him. Neither of them were wearing shirts. This is awkward and I was frozen. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want them to see me, but I feel like that is inevitable. Right in that moment Niall locks eyes with me. He seems taken back by my appearance and I see a glimpse of guilt on his face, but all too soon it disappears.

"Don't be shy Charlotte. Come join us." Ugh Niall is the worst, of course he had to make this situation worse.

"Classy as ever Niall, but that's a hard pass." I tried to walk out of the room, but his friend had other plans.

"Who are you and why are you in Niall's room alone?" I'm going to take a wild guess and say this is Melanie.

"I will let Niall explain all that to you. Have fun." I get out of there before either of them could talk to me, but I hope this girl is too bothered by me being here to have sex with Niall.

I find myself in front of Louis's room. I feel like I need to apologize for slapping him. He should have kept me away from Niall, but it isn't completely his fault. I took a deep breath and then knocked on the door. When Louis opens the door his eyes go wide and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Louis I'm sorry! I shouldn't have slapped you. I was so upset with Niall that I took it out on you and blamed you for me being in this mess." I shouldn't even blame Niall. I knew what I was getting into.

"No, I deserved it. I should have told Niall no as soon as I realized what he was thinking."

"I don't think you saying no would have stopped him. He seems pretty determined to get what he wants." Louis laughs and nods.

"I still feel bad. I tried to distance you two from each other at the bar and tried warning you and what not, but Niall got to you anyway."

"I'm sorry I hurt you Louis. I know you did your best."

"I mean you didn't really hurt me. Don't get me wrong it stung a little, but I was fine a minute later." I act offended and like I'm going to hit him again, but before I can he says, "I'm sorry. Don't slap me again! I feel bad that you are upset."

"Louis, don't feel bad. I got myself into this." I decided to change the subject before I had to explain myself to Louis. "Guess what I just saw!"

"What did you see?" As Louis is asking me he pulls me into his room.

"Niall and some girl about to get it on. I walked out of the closet and bam! There they are, topless."

"Bahaha. Who was with Niall?" Louis doesn't seem too surprised by this.

"I don't know. Long curly hair. Reddish brown with blonde highlights. She was super tan. Lots of fake bake or spray on tan."

"Ahhh, that would be the one and only Melanie. Life just got a whole lot interesting with her back."

"I can't handle anymore interesting. I'm barely staying a float as it is." I sigh while looking around Louis's massive room.

Louis smiles and then says, "don't worry. My room can be your safe haven."

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now