chapter 26

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Niall pulls me into a room that has bunk beds and a couch. I raise my eyebrows at him. Why are we in here?

"You have this deer in the headlights look. What is going on? I thought you would be excited to be here." He looks into my eyes and I get overwhelmed. Before I say a word I start crying. I look up at Niall and he looks panicked. "Don't cry. I'm sorry. I don't know what I did to make you cry, but I'm sorry."

"I don't know what I'm going to do with my life if I hate today. I can't drop out of medical school." I sob some more. "There is so much pressure for me to be perfect. I can't do it." I try to stop crying as I remember Niall telling me to act professional and I start to cry again. "I promise that I can be professional."

Niall laughs and pulls me to his chest. He brings a hand to my head and starts running his hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry I got a little snappy earlier. You and Harry seemed to- never-mind, it's crazy." Niall stops talking and we are silent for a couple minutes. "You can be whoever you want. Just don't psych yourself out before you try. Stop worrying about liking this or not. Just focus on the people. If you really decide that being a surgeon isn't for you then we will find a new path that matches you better, but do you realize that you are panicking over something that hasn't happened yet?"

I sniffle and then say, "that's easy for you to say. You aren't the one who's whole world could change." I decide to ignore the Harry thing.

"You don't know if your world will change if you don't get out there and see what its like." I pull away and look at Niall. His happiness is just radiating off of him. Making this dimly lit room seem so much brighter.

"Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" The smallest things make him happy and I hope it was something I did to make him this happy.

"Just thinking about you entering your first O.R and watching your first surgery makes me excited. Stop being so gloom and doom." Niall lets go of me and starts bouncing on the ball of his feet. His greenish blue scrubs somehow manage to make his eyes pop even more. His almost completely brown hair looks perfect. "What are you thinking?"

"Have you ever seen Grey's-" I can't finish my sentence, because Niall brings a finger to my lips.

"Do not finish that question. That show is not realistic at all. Surgeons do more then have sex in on-call rooms." Niall rolls his eyes, but he has seen the show.

"Have you had sex in one of these rooms?" I could see Niall being the Dr. McSteamy or Alex of the hospital.

"You don't want me to answer that." I knew it. He looks at me like I'm going to become upset, but I laugh.

"That is a good enough answer for me. Those poor girls." Our bodies are still close from when Niall pulled me into a hug, but right now we seem closer.

"Poor girls? How would you know? You reject me before I even try." Niall brings his hand to my cheek and I shake my head.

"Not until a certain Melanie and Amy are no longer under the same roof as me." I step around Niall and leave the room. I know he likes me, but I also know that he likes having sex with Melanie. Especially after I make him jealous, which means that she needs to be far away when I tell Niall about my past.

"See! Rejecting me before I even try," Niall yells from behind me.

Lunch couldn't come fast enough. This morning was long and boring. Meeting the different patients was fun, but there weren't that many. I mostly sat in an office while Niall did paperwork. I guess its called charting, either way its awful. I sat close to him for awhile, but he said I was too distracting. We went down to this cadaver lab and Niall looked at a fake brain and explained to me how he was going to perform the surgery. This is nothing like Grey's Anatomy. No drama and no sex.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum