Chapter 55

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^^^this made me laugh so hard.


Charlotte P.O.V (time jump to September)

"Do I have to go back to school? I have enjoyed not having to deal with homework," I whine to Niall. "I feel like we were just celebrating Louis and Eleanor's wedding. How is it September? How did the last two months fly by?"

We are currently laying in my bed. I'm trying to motivate myself to get up and get ready for class, but Niall is making it hard. He is only in his boxers and is laying next to me running his fingers along my stomach.

"Then don't. Just move in with me and I will be your sugar daddy." Niall leans over and kisses my shoulder. "We traveled and did a lot this summer. We could keep doing that."

"Don't tempt me."

"Why don't you move in with me? This way you can focus on school and me." Niall sits up and climbs on top of me. He then rests on his hands and knees and stares into my eyes.

"I told you. I'm not living in that house. Now that I know that Brooke lived there. I just, I can't." I feel bad for being difficult.

"I know. The house is getting torn down soon and rebuilding it will be starting. You need to help me with the floor plan," Niall smiles.

"You want us to build a house together?" Niall and I always do everything backwards. We are only dating.

"Yes." Niall leans down and kisses me.

"Wait, you should live with me while your house is being built." I squeal and it makes Niall lean back on his heels.

"I think you broke my ear drum." Niall rubs his ear and I give him an apologetic smile. "It's too small in here. Don't you think we would be cramped?"

"No, it will be fun! We will be like a normal couple. People usually don't move into their dream house right a way." I smile at Niall.

"It will be our house." Niall leans back down and kisses me.

"And this can be our apartment." I sit up. "Please Niall. It will only be for like six months."

"Fine, but only if we spend our mornings like this." Niall leans down and starts kissing me.

"Deal! Move in tomorrow after work." I wrap my arms around Niall's neck. My phone starts to go off so I pull away. "I have to get ready and go to class."


My first two classes go by painfully slow. Today the professors are just going over rules and expectations, but I was hoping to just jump right in to the work. I had to wait a year to be here and now that I'm here nothing is going to hold me back. I want to be at the top of my class.

As I walk into my last class of the day I notice that the room is empty. There are no desks or chairs, not even a chair for the teacher. There are hospital posters all over the room, but no whiteboards or chalkboards. What kind of class is this? It's called introduction to healthcare. Niall and the other guys have never heard of the class and now I'm starting to panic.

A couple more students walk in and look around. They look as confused as I feel. Only a couple more students walk in and then the professor walks in. He is wearing a white coat, like a doctor. He actually looks familiar, but I don't know how I would know him. He is tall and thin. His brown hair is slowly turning grey.

"Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Brown and this is intro to healthcare. This class is to separate those of you who can handle working in the medical field and those of you who should just be teachers. We have too many students who drop out their third year. That's when you usually start shadowing and getting hands on experience, but that's different now. Your first two years you will have a 200 hour requirement to hit for shadowing at the hospital. This requirement is new this year so let's see how it works out." He looks around the room at the ten of us and stops when he looks at me. "I don't care who your parents are or who you are dating or who your friends are." He definitely knows who I am. "If I don't think you can handle it, you will be asked to leave. I work at the hospital so I will be able to watch your every move. That's why their are only ten of you in my class." The professor claps his hands together and then says, "now! Let's head over to the Middletown hospital. Carpool if you need to."

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