Chapter 5

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Since I have 8 or so hours to burn before Niall gets back I need to find something to do. I don't feel like thinking about our conversation we had only minutes ago and I don't want to talk to Whitney yet, so I'm going to look around the property.

After walking around for 15 minutes and looking at different rooms I found a huge gym. Working out sounds like a good way to pass the time and relieve some stress I have built up.

I went back to Niall's room to see what kind of work out clothes were available. When I opened the first closet I saw clothes that belong to Niall, so I walked over to the other closet. I don't know what I was expecting when I open the closet doors, but I was shocked by all of the clothes that were in there. I didn't think it would be clear full of designer clothing but it is. I walked in and looked around until I found some exercise clothes. I grabbed a pair of yoga pants and a loose fitting tank top. I debated on if I should wear one of the sports bras, but that seemed a little gross. There were quite a few sports bras and luckily one of them still had tags on them. Looking at this closet only gave me more questions about Niall. Why did he have all this women clothing. By looking at the dressers covered in dust, I could tell no one had been in here for awhile.

I pushed those thoughts aside and got dressed. I ran back to the gym and got lost in my work out. Next thing I know, Whitney walks in and smiles at me and sits on a bench and waits for me to finish. I looked up at the clock and realize that I had been working out for 2 hours. I put my dumbbells back on the shelf and turned off the stereo.

As I walked back over to Whitney I saw how beautiful she really is. She was tall like Beth and she looks like she is half African American and half Caucasian. The longer I looked at her the more self conscious I got. Why would Niall want me around when Whitney is so pretty.

"I'm Charlotte. " I figured I would break the ice.

"I know. I have heard a lot about you." Whitney smiles at me and then taps the seat next to her trying to get me to sit down.

"I'm guessing only bad things?" For a split second I start to feel ashamed of myself, but then remember I did nothing wrong.

"I heard good and bad. Louis stuck up for you and gave you the benefit of the doubt. Obviously everything Niall had said was bad, but don't worry he says that stuff about a lot of other girls. He even said them about me." She says as she smiles softly at me.

"Why are you here? Don't you hate Niall for keeping you here? How long have you been here for?" I needed to ask her as many questions as I could. I don't know how long she will stay and talk.

She laughs loudly and then says, "one question at a time. Don't worry, I will answer all of them at the best of my ability." I nod for her to continue. "I'm here because I was awful to my boyfriend. I actually cheated on him with Niall. Niall was so mad when he found out, but I don't hate him for it. We have become really good friends. I have been here about 8 months."

"How are you good friends with him?" I can't wrap my mind around that one small detail.

"We are completely honest with each other-" I had to cut her off before she continued.

"Do you know the real reason why Niall does this? What is it?"

"He told you why. He hates it when women think they are privileged and can act however they want." She says it like it is the most simple thing in the world.

"I don't buy it. There is no way he woke up one morning and decided that he was going to ruin different women's lives." I could tell she was holding something back.

"Yes there is more to the story, but that's all I know. When I say we are honest with each other I mean, I'm honest and Niall tells me how he feels. So you were engaged and tossed your man to the curb?" Her voice was full of sympathy.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now