Chapter 44 part 1

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Charlotte P.O.V

"Jake are you sure I look okay? Ugh, why am I so nerovous?" I'm standing in Jake's office pulling on my shirt, trying to get his opinion.

None of my clothes fit right. They are all too loose. I have been stressed for so long that when I finally moved out of Niall's the stress went over the limit and now I have an ulcer. I haven't gone to a doctor or anything, but I'm ninety-nine percent sure. Every time I eat I get sick so I haven't really been eating. I will just ask Liam or Harry for their advice at the party.

"You look fine. I don't know why you are worried. You aren't really interested in this guy." Jake shakes his head at me, but doesn't look at me.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I told Beth and Dawson about the date and they didn't seem too thrilled. "He is attractive and seems nice and funny."

"You are suppose to be with Ni-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." I snap at Jake.

"You need to eat or get laid. You have gotten kind of bitchy." Jake finally looks at me and has a smirk on his face. "Maybe this date is a good idea."

"Excuse me. You are my boss. You can't talk to me like that." I hold back my laughter.

"Well you shouldn't be asking me how you look either." Jake let's out a laugh. "Who are we kidding? You are the little sister I never wanted."

"HA HA. You know you love me." Jake really is like a big brother to me.

"Honestly you look good. Just be careful. We don't know this guy so be careful." Jake is always watching out for me.

"I will." My phone starts ringing and it's Steve. "That's him, gotta go."

I walk out into the bar and see Steve standing there with flowers. He is off to a good start. I walk up to him and smile.

"These are for you." He hands them to me and I can't help, but notice he is in a suit. "Don't mind the suit. I have to wear it for work."

"Oh are you just on your lunch break?" Well if the date sucks I don't have to suffer for very long.

"I know it isn't ideal for our first date, but I couldn't wait until Saturday to see you. I thought this could be a good tester date." I laugh as Steve says this. We think alike. Another good sign.

"It's a good idea. Let me go put these flowers in a vase. I will be right back." I leave Steve down stairs while I run upstairs.

I quickly put the flowers in a vase and send a picture to Beth. I turn my phone on silent so I won't see her reply for awhile.

When I come back down Steve is still standing where I left him. He smiles when he sees me.

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod my head yes.

Steve takes me to some hole in the wall Mexican restaurant that is just down the road from the bar. When we order Steve orders everything in Spanish. I think he brought me here just to show off.

"I know what your thinking and I'm not a jerk. I love this place and I never have a chance to practice my spanish. Whenever I come here I practice. You can ask all my friends." Steve looks a little worried.

"I believe you." I pause dramatically and then say, "for now." Steve laughs at my joke. "So what do you do for work?"

"I'm an attorney. What about you? I know you work in a bar, but are you going to school as well?" I can't tell if Steve would be okay with me just working in a bar.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now