Chapter 57

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So I lied haha. After this chapter there will be two more chapters. I had more to write and couldn't cut any of it out. Surprise!

Five months later

Charlotte P.O.V

Why? Why, why, why did I let Niall talk me into getting married a week after I graduate. I should be focusing on graduation, but instead I'm focusing on my last dress fitting and if everything is going to be ready in Ireland. I'm grateful for Denise and Maura. They have gone to look at flowers, decorations, and the other fifty things and facetime me so I could make sure everything was perfect. It has been stressful. Finals have been kicking my butt. I took my last one this morning and now I'm driving to pick up Beth at the hospital and then off to my last dress fitting.

When I get to the hospital Beth is outside waiting for me. When she gets in the car she smiles at me.

"Hey, you look stressed. How is everything going?" Her smile becomes sympathetic.

"There is just so much to do." I take a deep breath.

"What do you have to do?" Beth looks down at her stomach and rubs it.

"After the dress fitting I have to go up to the school for a walk through. They want to make sure no one screws it up. Tomorrow is graduation day. Then the next day we are leaving for Ireland. I still haven't packed." I will be pulling an all nighter tomorrow night.

"We got this. I can help with the packing and honestly, everything else is just being there. Take a deep breath. You have been stressed out and busy for the last four years. This is nothing different." I notice Beth wince and rub her stomach again.

"How are you and little man doing?" She doesn't look comfortable.

"He just keeps kicking my ribs. I'm fine. You will understand the pain soon." Beth gives me a big smile.

"After watching Eleanor, Cheryl, and now you go through this. I don't think I ever want to be pregnant." It seems like it sucks.

"The pain is all worth it." Beth pats her stomach once and then relaxes.

"Whatever you say," I laugh. "I can't believe Louis and Eleanor are bringing Liza. I told them they didn't have to come to the wedding since they have a two month old. Louis shushed me and said they wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I still can't believe they named their baby Aliza." Beth shakes her head.

"Its cute! You are just picky with names. Your son is going to have an old man name." I laugh as I tease her.

"You can't talk! Niall wants to name your kids after professional athletes." Beth starts laughing and then says, "did I tell you that Harry wants to name our son William like Price William."

"Why am I not surprised?" Beth and I start laughing.

The rest of the drive we listen to music and talk about Beth's pregnancy. When we get to the dress shop I laugh as Beth waddles inside. I open the door for her and we walk into the nice air conditioned store.

"Hello, I'm here for my last dress fitting. My name is Charlotte Reed." I say as I walk up to the counter.

"Aah yes. Come right this way." The young employee says.

Beth and I follow her to the dressing rooms in the back. Beth sits down on a couch and I keep following the employee to the dressing room that my dress is in. Once I'm in the dressing room I quickly change into the dress. I open the door and the employee fixes the back for me. I walk out to Beth and watch as her smile grows and then tears fall down her cheeks.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now