chapter 22

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This week killed! It seemed to drag on. I was planning on updating tomorrow, but I couldn't wait anymore. Enjoy!


The next morning when I wake up I realize that Niall and I had fallen asleep watching TV. I roll over to go back to sleep, but when I move I realize I'm sore from what happened last night. I had been curled up into Niall's side before I got up. I need to call Harry and get some advice. I slip out of Niall's arms and grab my phone and walk into the hallway. I really hope that Beth isn't with him.

After a couple rings a tired Harry says, "hello."

"Harry I have a problem." I get straight to the point. "I think I have feelings for Niall."

"Wait, what?" Harry sounds awake now. "Did you sleep with him?"

"Technically no."

"So you fooled around with him and now you think you like him?"

"No. I realized I liked him, so then I fooled around with him." I sigh and then say, "he can be a real jerk, but when he is nice everything is amazing. I willingly put up with his rudeness just so I can see the two seconds of kindness."

"You haven't even been gone twenty-four hours and you sound like a different person."

"Yesterday I saw a side to Niall that I have never seen before. I know this is sudden-"

"No, not really. We have all been waiting for you to figure out your feelings, but now that you have things are complicated."

"Why do they have to be complicated?" I stomp my foot and then realize how childish it was. Good thing Harry isn't here.

"Are you still going to get revenge on him for judging you?" Harry is right.

"Yes." Before I can continue the door opens.

"What are you doing?" Niall looks at me with a confused expression. He is only in sweatpants. Why have I never noticed how sexy he looks in the mornings?

"I have to go. Bye Harry." I hang up the phone and look at Niall. "I didn't want to wake you up."

"Why were you talking to Harry?"

"Beth stuff. Don't be jealous." I stand on my tippy toes and give Niall a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm not jealous. Let's order room service and get ready to go to the hospital." I smile at Niall, because he is obviously jealous.

"I want a breakfast burrito with a chocolate milk." I smile thinking about how Zayn would react to the milk.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"I was just thinking about Zayn." I didn't think about how that would sound until I saw Niall's reaction. "I didn't mean it like that."

I reach for Niall, but he walks away. I follow him as he sits on the couch next to the phone. He orders two breakfast burritos, fruit, and one chocolate milk and one orange juice. When he hangs up the phone he just sits there. He looks like he is pouting. I walk closer to him, but he tries to stop me. I go in for the kill and sit on his lap.

"I wasn't thinking of Zayn in a romantic way. He hates chocolate milk." I explain, but Niall doesn't seem to care.

"Okay," he shrugs.

"Stop. Let's just have fun and not get jealous." Niall pushes me off and stands up.

Time to fight dirty. Niall walks over to the TV, so I decide to get dressed in front of him. I bend down and grab a clean bra and top. I take off the shirt I had on and toss it at Niall's face. After it hits him and falls to the ground Niall turns to look at me. His eyes go wide, but they are glued to my chest. When I start to put my bra on, Niall stands up, and walks over to me. Instead of kissing me like I thought he was going to, he studies the light bruise on my wrist. It's from Chad when he grabbed me at the party. The bruise is almost gone. I'm surprised Niall noticed it.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now