Chapter 30

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Niall P.O.V

"Do you need help with anything? I'm a pretty good cook." Brooke smiles walking closer to Charlotte.

"I'm pretty good at taking care of things around here." Charlotte says with a possessive tone of voice. Her manner has completely changed since Brooke has walked into the house. I kind of like it.

"It seems like it. So how long have you and Niall been dating?" Brooke goes and sits at the kitchen island. Charlotte is standing across from her now.

"We have been dating almost three months." Charlotte lies without hesitation.

Brooke turns her head to look at me and I just nod. Charlotte is still pissed at me, but not enough to let others think that I'm available. That's a good sign, she will forgive me.

"And you guys are already living together?" Brooke turns around fully to look at me. "Don't you think that's a little fast."

"What can we say? It was love at first sight." Charlotte glares at the back of Brooke's head while she talks.

"Charlotte is amazing." I say with a smile. I'm not lying so I don't feel bed.

"In bed!" Louis whispers to me, but both girls hear it. I forgot that Louis was even with us.

"Louis I forgot about that sense of humor." Brooke shakes her head at Louis. She hates Louis' sense of humor. It always bugged her.

"I love it. Louis is so funny." Charlotte says while smiling at Louis.

"I'm sure you do think it's funny." Brooke says, making this situation more uncomfortable.

We sit in silence for a couple minutes and then we hear the front door open and close.

"Hey, whats for dinner?" Harry comes walking into the kitchen. His eyes land on Brooke and he yells, "Ahhh. What is she doing here? I thought we had this place cleansed of demons."

Louis and Charlotte start laughing. Brooke glares at Harry. Harry has never pretended to like her. He has always disliked Brooke, even before everything happened. None of my friends have ever liked Brooke. That should have been a sign.

"Harry, you are still around I see." Brooke gives him a fake smile.

"Niall is just too good of a person to ditch." Harry stares at Brooke and Brooke stares back. Neither one backing down.

I glance over at Charlotte and she looks confused at the sudden change of attitude. She obviously picked up on the fact that Harry doesn't like Brooke and Harry usually likes everyone.

"Brooke are you or the kids allergic to anything?" Charlotte sweetly asks trying to change the topic.

I will never understand how she can be so nice to someone she doesn't like. I love how nice she is, but I think she let's people walk all over her.

"No we aren't." Brooke smiles at her and then looks down.

"Alright. We are having steak fajitas." Charlotte turns her back to us and starts cooking.

"I will help." Harry says while walking over.

"Of course." I mutter under my breath. I didn't think anyone heard me, but Brooke gives me a funny look.


Charlotte P.O.V

Harry walks over to me and smiles. I hand him a knife and a onion to chop up. I turn around to go back to the kitchen island to chop up peppers. I look up to see Niall staring at Harry and I. Niall looks at me and just when I'm about to roll my eyes he shakes his head at me. I tilt my head a little bit to show my confusion. Niall shakes his head again so I shrug my shoulders and go back to chopping up veggies.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now