Chapter 10

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^^^Guys, I was only going to post pictures and quotes that relate to the story, but I keep finding stuff like this and it cracks me up.


Niall P.O.V

"Hold on!" Louis yells. "Let me see if I got this right. When we all went to bed you followed Charlotte back to her room and hooked up with her?" Louis' voice is thick with excitement. "I thought you said you weren't going to let things get sexual between you two? Do you like her?"

"Don't read too much into this Louis. I was drunk and got caught up in the moment. I can't deny the pull she has on me though. Even when we are fighting I want to be around her. She hates me so much and I love it. She is the complete opposite of any girl I know. Charlotte just gives me deja vu, but because of that it makes me hate her and want her at the same time. "

"I thought Charlotte reminded me of, " Louis pauses for a second trying to choose his words carefully. "Reminds me of you know"

"The first time I saw Charlotte I saw the resemblance and then I saw how she treated her fiance. It through me into a frenzy." Louis and I never talk about our pasts, but when we do it's kept short and secretive.

"Charlotte is a nice girl who made a mistake. Don't judge her too harshly." Louis has gone soft since Eleanor has come along. "I think you like her more than you hate her."

"Some days yes and other days no. It's only been a week though. We will see how I feel in a couple months." One thing is for sure. I will keep getting Charlotte drunk, because drunk Charlotte is my favorite Charlotte.


Charlotte P.O.V

I don't feel like moving from this bed. I like being able to be alone with my thoughts. It's nice and quiet, which my hangover is grateful for. I don't want to open that door and go into reality. A reality where I'm stuck taking care of Niall's every whim. Last night I was reminded of how he lured me in. He can be ridiculously charming. His good looks don't help the situation either. I know that once I go out there I will be teased for last night. I need to put my game face on and remember what Whitney told me. Everything Niall says and does to me I will dish right back, but a hundred times worse. Being mean to him isn't doing anything. If anything he enjoys it.

I might as well go out there and let the teasing and humiliation began. I first change and go to the bathroom. I make myself look presentable and by presentable I mean I just make sure I don't have smeared make up. I'm not too worried about my appearance.

When I walk into the kitchen I'm surprised at what I find. Everyone from last night sitting around the kitchen island talking and drinking coffee or tea. They all look just as hungover as me.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" Beth says with a smirk.

"Probably better than you and Harry." Beth laughs in surprise at my comeback and I mentally pat myself on the back.

"Here drink some coffee. How are feeling today?" Niall walks over to me and hands me a mug full of coffee.

"I'm fine, thanks." I pause to take a sip, but I notice Niall giving me a weird look and I remember I need to act sick. "I mean my throat is really bothering me. I think I need to go back to the doctor." I'm a horrible actress, hopefully Beth will believe me. I hurry and cough to make it sound more believable.

"You have four doctors right here. Just take your pick and they will help you." Eleanor suggests to me.

I don't think Eleanor knows I'm faking, but that's nice of her to suggest. I just smile and nod at her.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now