Chapter 8

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^^^So this has nothing to do with the story, but it's hilarious. Who can relate haha.


I stand there looking at Niall waiting for him to run after Melanie, but by the looks of things he isn't moving anytime soon.

"Are you going after her?" He has to have some kind of feelings for her to put up with her like he does.

"No, why?" Niall scoffs.

"Don't you scoff at me Niall. For some reason she really likes you and you hurt her feelings. Go apologize."

"I don't really care if I hurt her feelings. She wasn't invited to come anyways." Why is Niall always so difficult.

"Then why did you let her come if she wasn't invited? Why do you fool around with her if you don't like her?"

Niall laughs at me and says, "did you really say fool around? Your innocence entertains me." He pauses for a second and then continues. "We have sex Charlotte and that's why I keep her around."

"It's called being ladylike Niall. Not every girl has to be vulgar. If you want to keep having sex with Melanie, you should probably go after her." Niall shrugs and starts picking up my boxes to take to the car. I'm secretly happy that Niall won't apologize and Melanie is outside thinking that more has happened between Niall and I. She deserves it.

While I am bending down to pick up a box to take to the car, Niall walks up behind me and slaps my bum. I squeal and turn around to smack Niall on the arm. He has that annoying smirk on his face and I think about slapping that smirk right off his face. Instead I glare at him and bend down and grab the box to take to the car.

Rest of the move went smoothly and quietly. Melanie sat in the car looking at her phone. I know I shouldn't be satisfied with her misery, but she is such an awful person. The quiet drive was nice, I was surprised that Niall and Melanie could stay quiet for that long.


Its Thursday and I can't believe I have been here for five days. Five long miserable days. I have constantly fought with Niall and put up with his cheeky comments and actions. Having to fake nice to Melanie while she makes horrible comments to me has been rough. I retreat to Louis's room when I can or hide out with Whitney. Amy the third girl has finally come back. She was really nice until she found out that Melanie hates me. Apparently neither of them do anything all day, so they follow me around and criticize everything I do. "Conveniently" I am still sleeping in Niall's room. The mattress store delivered a tempur-pedic king size bed. Niall just had to keep it, so I am still waiting for my own bed. I try to sleep in a guest room or on the couch, but Niall always finds me and drags me back to his room.

I called my boss, Jake, and told him I was really sick. I'm planning on talking Niall into letting me work once my two week trial is over. I have also talked to Beth everyday. She has no clue what's going on. Niall told her I woke up Saturday morning really sick and have been staying at his place till I get better. I don't know how I'm going to tell her that I am living at Niall's. I am going to tell her bits and pieces of the truth, but nothing about the contract. I am pulled from my thoughts when my phone vibrates.

Its a text from Niall telling me that he will be home in about ten minutes for the rest of the day. He has a big surgery tomorrow morning and he has been preparing for it all week. He now wants to come home and relax. I see that it is almost noon so I decide to make him lunch and by that I mean a sandwich. I don't feel like making anything special. I have a roast beef in the crock-pot for dinner.

"What are you doing? Didn't you just eat?" Ahh Melanie, I was enjoying my few minutes alone, but I knew it wouldn't last.

"It's for Niall. He should be here any minute." I try to stay busy and not acknowledge them. They usually get bored after a couple minutes.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now