chapter 25

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^^^I don't know who is luckier 😂

Charlotte P.O.V

"I don't understand how this happened. You left three days ago barely on good terms and now you guys are working towards a relationship. What happened?" Whitney looks at me trying to be supportive.

"I don't know. Everything happened so fast and one thing led to another. He became sweet, flirty and protective. I couldn't hold him off for long." Just thinking about how cute Niall was makes me want to go find him.

"I don't know if I should be excited or worried. I will kill him if he hurts you. Wait, I will kill you if you hurt him. Uggh. I'm not ready for this, but at the same time I am." Whitney looks at me for a second and then says, "I'm happy if you are happy."

"Thanks. I don't know what is going to happen, but I'm excited and scared."

There is a knock on the door and then Niall walks in. I instantly smile at him. When Whitney came home from school I dragged her to our room and we have been talking for awhile.

"I got bored and figured I could come hang out with you guys." Niall comes and lays on his stomach at the foot of my bed. I'm sitting in the middle of my bed with my legs crossed, so I'm not surprised that he tries to be close without making it too noticeable.

"You two make me sick." Whitney rolls her eyes. "I am totally cheering you guys on, but I'm worried. I don't want either of you to get hurt."

"Everyone needs to stop worrying about us. We are adults and can make our own choices. I guess our circumstances are weird and we should probably fix that." Is Niall saying what I think he is saying.

"Are you getting rid of Melanie and my contract?" I get excited over this idea.

"I think that is the only way for you to trust me and believe that I'm serious about being nice." Niall smiles back at me.

"Alright, Maybe this will work." Whitney smirks at the both of us.

"Let me be the one to talk to Melanie and Amy. I don't need them causing problems and tackling you again." Niall leans into me and I know he is right, but I would love to see Melanie's face. She lost. Niall doesn't like her. "So I was looking at my schedule and in two weeks there is a day at work you should come. What do you think? I have a simple surgery, so I will be able to answer all your questions."

"Its brain surgery. How is that ever simple?" I really shouldn't be surprised by his confidence.


Niall P.O.V

How has two weeks already come and gone? I keep pushing off kicking Melanie out of the house. Making Melanie leave will make everything serious. I have pressure from everyone to do the right thing and to be the perfect guy for Charlotte. I have been that guy before and that guy sucks. I like who I am now. I am finally in control of my life, but I can feel it slipping. It was so easy to think about a relationship with Charlotte while in New York, because we were away from reality. Being here reminds me of what my life was suppose to look like.

"Why do you have to be to work so early? I need coffee!" Charlotte comes walking into my room to find me still laying in bed. "Hey, why aren't you up?" She smiles and it makes all of my pervious thoughts disappear. She makes me want to find a new future.

Today is the day. Charlotte is coming with me to work. I have been waiting for the day that she comes to the hospital and she can watch me work. I know she will be impressed with me. Maybe I am just excited to show off.

"Hey I am up. I'm just taking some time to think." As I'm talking, Charlotte walks over to the bed and stands in front of me.

"Well don't think too hard. Your poor little brain can't take too much of that." Charlotte bends down and ruffles up my already messy hair.

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