chapter 17

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^^^I loved this carpool Karaoke.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I jump from my bed to find Niall standing next to me with a big grin.

"Niall shut up. I'm trying to sleep." Whitney grunts while throwing a pillow at Niall.

Niall ignores her and keeps talking. Loudly. "Lets go! Our tee time is at 7."

"Niall it's 5:50 in the freaking morning. Go away. I don't want to play golf anymore." I grab the pillow that Whitney threw at Niall and put it over my head.

"Come on. It will be-"

"No, go away." I try to push him away, but since I'm laying down and half asleep Niall doesn't move.

"Fine. I will help you." Before I can register what is happening. Niall throws me over his shoulder and carries me out of the room.

"Niall it's freezing. I don't want to go stand outside." He ignores me and takes me to his bedroom.

He walks into the closet with all the female clothing and then finally puts me down. "There are lots of golfing attire in here. Hurry and get dressed." Before I can respond he walks out of the room.

I look around the closet thinking about the last time I was in here. Niall was so mad, but so was I. I don't want to dwell on that, so I hurry and look for the golf clothes. It doesn't take long to find them since the clothes stick out like a sore thumb.

Luckily there are warm clothes, but I'm pretty sure I will still freeze. Everything seems light weight. I pick out the clothes that will hopefully keep me the warmest. I head to the bathroom and do my hair and make up as fast as I can.

When I walk into the kitchen I find what looks like a year supply of bagels and doughnuts scattered all over the counter. I look at Niall who has two doughnuts in one hand and two bagels in the other hand.

"I figured I would take care of breakfast, so we could leave fast." I look around and notice the different spreads of cream cheese. Niall definitely made an effort.

"That's nice, but I have given up gluten." I have to tease him a little bit for waking me up before 6 a.m.

"Are you serious? I'm not waiting for you to cook something." When niall finally looks at me he sees that I'm smiling. "Ha. Ha. You are soooo funny." Niall proceeds to roll his eyes.

I laugh and grab a chocolate chip bagel. I hurry and spread strawberry cream cheese on it. "Lets go!" I start walking out, but Niall doesn't follow me.

"Charlotte I have seen you eat. There is no way one bagel will fill you up." Niall picks up two travel mugs and stares at me.

"Way to make me feel like a fatty." I grab a chocolate doughnut with sprinkles. Definitely not the healthiest breakfast to have.

"Whatever you look great. You can eat all the gluten you want." Niall smiles and takes a step towards me.

I mumble a thanks and walk towards the garage. I don't know if Niall was leaning into me to kiss me, but I wasn't going to wait to find out.

When we get in the car Niall hands me one of the mugs. "Its hot chocolate." He then puts down all of his food.

"Oh, thanks." This is awkward. The events from yesterday linger.

Niall starts the car, but before he backs out he looks over at me. "Let's have fun Charlotte. Let's forget about what has been going on between us and play golf."

"Okay." I know he wants to have fun, but I feel worthless and part of that is his fault.

Niall rubs his hands together and then claps showing how excited he is. He then places his hand that is closer to me on my thigh and squeezes it. I try to be nice and not pull away, but I really don't want him to touch me.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now